When ee's ask for demotion

I have had two ee's ask for an obvious demotion because both want morning shifts. They are currently employed as lead teachers, but have voiced willingness to accept cut in pay, title and responsibility to have the am shift (these are both aide positions). I am concerned about future backlash. Would having them sign statements of agreement be enough should they later cry foul? As a PS, these are two of my three male ee's out of 92 total ee's. I don't know if that matters either. I just don't want harrassment charges down the road. Maybe this seems obvious to some of you, but I feel nervous.
1) There must be a posted opening for that shift/job (sometimes we have an opening but have not posted it and in that case we will post the opening).
2) They are required to complete a Job Transfer request.
3) If it is a skilled/semiskilled position they are required to have taken, and passed, any applicable tests.
4) They are required to be the most senior person for the job.
In all cases, their pay is immediately changed to reflect the change in position.
If the EEs are coming to you requesting the change and you have the openings, I don't see any problem with making the change.
>clear that when the charm wears off the low
>pay-better hours situation, they'll have to
>compete to go back the other direction too.
Good point, Whirl. Those car payments are gonna hurt.
x:-/ Am I the only one who thinks it's fishy that both these ees are "minorities" - men in an overwhelmingly female workplace? Unless their shift is at 3 a.m., I wonder if there's something else that makes their job so miserable, like a boss who's an ogre or harasses or discriminates....
James Sokolowski