Pay for Injury??
Would appreciate your input on the issue of an hourly employee who is injured on the job and misses one day of work. WC doesn't kick in and he is non-exempt. He also hasn't been working here long enough to be eligible for our vacation benefit. How do you handle this in your companies???
Otherwise, it's an unpaid day..
edit: we do pay the day of the injury, but not the next day. Even if it was only 1 day.
I've been on the traditional method too, and there are those here who think this is a bad policy. In fact, I have to present data shortly on this topic again to our Council.
Actually the cost is not as bad as it might first appear, I truly believe our employees are appreciative and don't try to stretch it out, and I don't have to tell a Police Officer or Firefighter who risked their life, was shot or injured, and told to take one week off, that, "Gee, thanks for your sacrifice but you get zero pay unless you want to use your own personal paid leave time". Or, he'll quickly figure out that he needs to convince his doctor he is not ready to return to work until he has been off for 15 days, such that now WC owes him two weeks. Add that cost up along with covering his second week at overtime rates.
THink about it, if a legit injury, why create the bad will for a few hours pay...........
My $0.02 worth,
The Balloonman