Establishing Confidential Hot Line
3 Posts
Our company needs to establish a confidential Hot Line using a contractual service to maintain annonymity. Has anyone used such a service? Can you let me know the cost and the firm's contact information? Thanks
IMOH, if an EE doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to come forward in person, they probably don't have a legitimate complaint.
Personally, when I think of hotlines I think of the Air Force. The Air Force has hundreds of people whose particular specialities include Equal Opportunity, Social Actions, or Inspector General activities. All of these agencies are responsible for handling complaints of discrimination, fraud, waste, abuse, etc. There are some of these people on every AF installation. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one!
However, despite the wealth of resources available, the Air Force also maintains a hotline service through which members can make complaints without fear of retaliation and the system works well.
There seems to be a bunch of information online - good luck in your search!