Help - We think an employee is masturbating at work!

Yes, you read right! We think an employee is masturbating at work in the bathroom. We have had our cleaning person tell us he has found traces of substance. We have employees comment on a particular employee using the restroom a lot, taking reading material with him.
How does one go about "handling" this?
I still can't believe I even have to type this!
How does one go about "handling" this?
I still can't believe I even have to type this!
The cleaning person should take whatever precautions he would normally take while cleaning the restroom. Semen creates no more of an exposure than feces or urine. Sorry I had to be graphic but I am trying to drive the point home that you're making a speculative issue of out nothing.
You mentioned "using the restroom a lot" and "reading material". As long as the reading material is not obscene or inappropriate (as in masturbation aides) and the restroom trips are not interfering with his work then move-on to bigger and better things (no pun intended).
One response I have gotten: "This type of behavior can escalate into sexual harassment."
If someone cannot control himself long enough to get thru the workday, what else is he capable of?
Its a far stretch (again, no pun intended), in my opinion. Holding my penis while urinating in the men's room could also be classified as behavior that can escalate into sexual harrasment.
Move on.
The employee was terminated for lewd and lecivious conduct.
Good luck!
We have edited this thread, leaving only the replies that addressed your original question and taking out those that questioned or discussed your legitimate right to post a question. As a newsletter subscriber and Forum user, you should not have been subjected to such persistent personal attacks. On behalf of M. Lee Smith Publishers, please let me apologize for the rude treatment.
If anyone has additional advice or comments about the question you raised, I hope they will post them here. (If anyone has comments about the decision to edit out the debate about Java's legitimacy, please go to the "Using the Employers Forum" section and start a thread there.)
Tony Kessler, editorial director and this week's Forum moderator
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
Would it be appropriate or possible to visit with this employee and let him know that there has been concern expressed about his activity in the company restroom. Do not accuse him of anything but let him know that all conduct on company property is subject to company scrutiny. Perhaps there is a medical issue and it is not self-gratification at all. Who knows? I'm generally for going right to the person and having as open a dialogue as possible. When you get his version, you can take appropriate steps from there. I have learned a couple of things in my years of HR -- 1. There are always two sides to every story. 2. Rumor is often much more colorful than the facts.
Good luck and welcome to the forum!