Job shadowing

Good Morning,
Do any of you see a problem with our company letting a college student shadow one of our EE's for experience? This person will not be getting paid, she just wants to follow our EE around to see how certain things are done in this field. It may only be a couple hours here and there.
Your insight would be appreciated.
Do any of you see a problem with our company letting a college student shadow one of our EE's for experience? This person will not be getting paid, she just wants to follow our EE around to see how certain things are done in this field. It may only be a couple hours here and there.
Your insight would be appreciated.
We had a few problems with the "shadow" program and instead found it works best for us to actually assign them tasks to perform while learing the requirements of the position.
Being a financial institution we must be very careful with confidential information of our customers and co-workers.
Good luck...
We only allow job shadowing for in-house EEs that may be interested in transferring. Must be in good standing and get approval from both supervisors involved.
I rarely allow such things for HR or certain finance functions because of confidentiality. I do allow for an in-depth Q and A session - which so far seems to have worked for those interested.
We also work with Marriage and Family Therapy Interns, who must carry their own professional liablity insurance.
She would be helping out our marketing officer with advertising tasks.
Again, thank you.