You think it'll never happen to you....

We just had kind of a shock. An employee in our department was on vacation last Thursday and Friday. She was supposed to come back to work Monday. Her boss is on an extended vacation out of the country and her office is in a far corner of our floor. No one noticed until a few hours ago that she had not been in all week and had not called. We started calling her apartment - no answer. Called the apartment manager. Got a call from her sister about 30 minutes ago. They found her dead in her apartment - probably for 24-48hrs. Most of our department is in shock. We knew she had some health problems and we knew she lived alone with no near relatives. You hear about that kind of thing and we were just joking about it regarding setting up a new job abandonment policy - but no one expects it to actually happen.
My God! Is your department the size of a tree-dotted football field?
Also, we have a tendency to be both lax and liberal in granting leave, and it is quite normal that during her boss's extended leave, she might have been told that extra days off were not a problem if she wanted to take them. She is very quiet, works one on one with her attorney only, and frequently comes in a little late. (I can't do past tense yet.)
Her death was announced in this morning's staff meeting (by the administrator - no comment from the dept. heads) with little fanfare and no reference to EAP assistance, which is unfortunately typical of our legal department. Serious need for HR training in this dept and very hard to get lawyers to consider it applicable.
One of our Maintenance Technicians at our Georgia plant went home for lunch to find his wife dead. Young family, too, mid 40's. Their 12 year old daughter actually came home from playing over at a neighbor's and found her dead. Initially we suspected suicide, however we later found out that she had been on some sort of extreme diet and her system shut down completely.
Good luck in dealing with this terrible loss.
I'm gonna send a company-wide memo next time I'm out!
Cheryl C.
Good Luck!
I hope your department comes through this with the help of the EAP. That was a smart decision to make.
Best of luck.