Pregnant ee

We have an ee who is 4 months pregnant. Her doc recently put her on bedrest but on the note did not put her return to work date. I gave her the FMLA forms, but she has not returned them. Apparently, she told her supv, and some of her clients that she was quitting but wanted to use the remainder of her 230 hours of sick time first because she felt they were her hours to take. My question is this...Can I call the doc and relay the info. about her wanting to quit because her supv and I suspect that she is telling her doc that she is extra sick, probably more than the typical morning sickness so she can be off work. Can I ask the doc for a RTW date because I do not have the FMLA forms back?
You should never contact a doctor directly seeking additional information about a diagnosis...nor should you provide the dr. with information received through the employee grapevine..
We wish you well in your efforts!
What she 'apparently' told someone and what you 'suspect she told the doctor' are not really relevant at all.
I would go ahead and grant the FML status - I would not even make it provisional because you do have the Dr.'s note - since she is 4 months pregnant, and you think she won't return to work, you only have 12 more weeks to go before you can pull the trigger on a permanent replacement - unless your state law grants additional medical leave or unless your company policy allows for more leave.
I could not find anything in the Regs to this point; however, I thought I would pass this bit of information along and each of you can be the judge as to its applicability in your circumstances.