Suggested Resignation vs. Termination

We are in the process of terminating a leadership posititon, and are going to give the employee the opportunity to resign. Does anyone have a sample letter form, that I can have prepared if the employee will resign. I haven't had one of these before, and need all the advice that I can get. It can be faxed to me or emailed.
SUBJECT: Resignation
Per our discussion, I am resigning my position as (TITLE) effective (DATE).
If you are, however, terminating (firing) an individual, you do have the option of offering to let him resign. We've discussed this at length on the Forum, and can do it again; but, generally I feel that is not a good idea.
In either event, I don't know of a letter to use for your purpose. Perhaps you could clarify.
Long ago, before my HR days, a fellow coworker was asked to resign his position, and the company offered him severance pay if he would sign a statement saying he would not bring any legal action against the company. I haven't heard or seen this sense. I do not know all of the details surrounding his termination/resignation. Is this a common practice and if it is, can anyone direct me to a similar type situation? Thanks for any advice I can get.
You simply cannot offer or expect a 'canned best answer' in such situations. I could see it going either way.
I would also keep all this documented in the event that the EE breaches the agreement.
and defending you 'truthful' logic. The fifty thousand your co. spends defending itself has the same effect on the bottom line, right or wrong. Think like a business man and spend it as if it were yours. There is not always wisdom in being 'right'. I'd settle for sensible, or reasonable 99% of the time.
"In the late Spring of 05, LivinDon and G3 shared the same opinion."
Let the above event be noted in a banner on the Forum home page - immortalized!