Hepatitis B

One of our employees just told us he has hepatitis B . The literature I read says the risks are mostly for health care workers and the like which we are not. But we are concerned with the reactions of the other employees as well as their saftey. He is not covered under FMLA. What are our options? Must we have to continue to employ him?
My $0.02 worth.
The Balloonman
I'm not suggesting anything in particular be done. I'm just pointing out that there is always the possibility of risk and it is not limited to the health care industry.
My $0.02 worth,
The Balloonman
May I be so bold, as to challange you to look at the entire safety training and certifications for "First Responder Team/s". Check to see if you have a requirement and then, if so, when were they last certified. We have a team for each working shift and one for each building in our complex for all are located further than 5 minutes total travelling time to the nearest medical facility.
Again welcome to the FORUM.
Due to HIPAA and privacy laws - no unauthorized employee should ever know about his condition.
Do you have a valid reason for wanting to term him for this medical condition? How does it effect you or your other employees?
If you term him b/c he has HepB - CYA b/c your gonna get your @$$ sued. It is discriminatory to terminate someone due to an illness, even HepB or HepC or AIDS or cancer or the flu.
Just curious - why would you even consider terming someone b/c they have an illness???