Sexual Harassment - Your Thoughts

Is there a particular resource that you would recommend for training managers on sexual harassment issues?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • "Stop Sexual Harassment: Interactive Training for Supervisors" is a new training video from M. Lee Smith on that very topic! If you hit the "Hot New Tools" topic under the HR Tools listing on the left side of the HR Hero page, you can learn all about it.
  • has some good interactive web based training that has good content and "further reading" rooms that show managers/supervisors the real-world implications of litigation expense and liability. They will give you a free trial to test drive the material for a few months. I'd also check out resources on
  • In addition to those good sources, I'm willing to bet your liability carrier has material and possibly free training. You should have a written policy and that policy should be reviewed annually with all employees, especially managers. A good 'maintenance' method is to copy articles from the "Employment Law Letter" or other similar sources and forward to managers' mailboxes. That keeps the issue 'up front' where it needs to be.
  • Yes, and include Department Heads on that list!
  • We have used the local EEOC for manager and supervisory training. They came in and conducted the program for managers and then provided us with the training and materials so that we could have a couple of our own staff conduct training for every employee. And, they did this at no cost. We continue to conduct the program periodically as we hire new employees. The EEOC here offers several programs that they will conduct at no cost.
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