employment testing

I think I know the answer as a I type this but, here goes: Does anyone recommend an all-purpose, general pre-employment test that you have found to be helpful in evaluating/predicting an applicant's personality or style? Oh, yeah, and no specific industry or job type?
I realize there are a BUNCH of issues here including validity, reliability, applicability, etc., but I have been asked by the powers that be to research anyway. Thanks in advance for helping me with a cogent response to their queries!!
I realize there are a BUNCH of issues here including validity, reliability, applicability, etc., but I have been asked by the powers that be to research anyway. Thanks in advance for helping me with a cogent response to their queries!!
Part of the reason we don't have specific cutoffs is because I might never hire anyone. For my last CNC operator job, I had one applicant. Thank the Lord he was qualified. I tell interviewees that the test is just one of the tools we use to compare applicants - which is true. The interview and experience are still most important, but if we have two similar people, the test helps.
Don, if you wish to provide me with an address and the credentials of a person to administer the test, I'd be happy to send you a copy. I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to make a guess. Of course, the score would be posted on this thread for all to see. (To be fair, I'd post mine, too.)