
I have a dilemma. I have two employees, J & P. J asked P if he knew where he could obtain a car inspection sticker without having the car inspected. P said he knew someone who did inspections and gave him the number. J called the person. J then asked P to pick up the sticker for him. Even though I am sure it is illegal, J brags about it! Yes, J is stupid.
Now the dilemma. We have grounds to terminate J. We do not want to terminate P but cannot think of an out to avoid discrimination charge. Any thoughts?
Now the dilemma. We have grounds to terminate J. We do not want to terminate P but cannot think of an out to avoid discrimination charge. Any thoughts?
Seriously, if your grounds for termination are because of the illegal sticker situation, both must go.
And yes, I am afraid my only choice is to let them both go. More feedback, please.
Neither could I. Because a starving man has no money.
Methinks you are looking for any reason you can find to terminate J and are hanging your hat on something that has nothing to do with the business. If you employ a man whose car cannot pass an inspection, how can you claim to be worried about him representing your company?
This matter has nothing to do with the business or his performance. What are the remote possible chances someone would ask you down the road if you had heard anything about this supposed fiasco? And it someone did, which they will not, you should tell them you don't meddle in the personal lives of your employees.
It does have to do with his performance or lack thereof.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me from this and your previous posts (the one about the female ee getting ready to lose her child support comes to mind) that the culture in your organization needs to change. There's no real way to sugar coat this one. Get out, and stay out, of ee minutiae that is best left for breakroom and smoke shack gossip.
First, as I said, I was afraid that since he uses his car on company business, that so lawyer would look to everyone to hang liability on. It seems the posted opinions disagree. That is great.
Second, it was my feeling that if someone would lie and cheat like this, he also might lie and cheap me.
Although you took it as such, I didn't intend for my post to be 'cute'. I intended it to be right on target, which I suggest it is. You're living a charmed and naive life if you have time to worry that an employee who might lie about his inspection sticker might also lie to you about something else. Sure he might. So might everybody else in your building. At least he's open about it.
If you want to worry about a UI issue, then term him for the inspection lie and watch the results. Now certainly you would not lie to the UI appeals referee and tell him you knew nothing about the inspection sticker. Well, if you were to do that, should the referee not assume that you might also lie to him about other things...........?
Are you sure this guy is not an illegal alien and that's the real reason you're gunnin' for him? Get Pork to run the numbers on him. You may find out he's Jack the Ripper. x:-)
But, why haven't you fired him?!
If it's not a common practice to check, I agree with the others and continue with the performance plan/probation period. If he fails, then terminate him based on substandard performance.
The person who gave them the sticker could be made to go also.
If you have no policy, make one immediately. Then do what everyone else says and properly terminate him for performance.
Good luck!