Dinner Interviews

Recently I read an article (can't remember where) about conducting final interviews over dinner. A qualified candidate was ruled out because when his food arrived, he salted everything on his plate without tasting it first. Another, because he began to eat before everyone else had been served.
What do you think? Do you really believe that a person's table manners indicate his/her business and professional etiquette?
Personally, I would never hire someone who pushes his food with his thumb.
What do you think? Do you really believe that a person's table manners indicate his/her business and professional etiquette?
Personally, I would never hire someone who pushes his food with his thumb.
Do formal table manners still matter or have they become diminished or obscured over time?
>where) about conducting final interviews over
>dinner. A qualified candidate was ruled out
>because when his food arrived, he salted
>everything on his plate without tasting it
It is documented that Mr. James Cash Penney actually did make hiring decisions for his managers based on them tasting food before using salt and pepper. I guess it worked pretty well for him.
But I never cease to be amazed by those among us who think, actually think they have the inate ability to perform this stunt, totally untrained.
By the way, it is inappropriate to push your food around or load it onto a fork with anything, be it a thumb, a piece of bread or a napkin ring.
And if you would not hire someone who pushes his food with his thumb, don't ever interview anybody south of the Mason-Dixon line while eating fried chicken.
But, more importantly, who among you thinks it appropriate to load your fork up by pushing food with a roll? And if you do, would you find it acceptable for one to make little truck-noises while doing so?
But for this purpose, we're at a formal dining table. It IS appropriate to push food with a cracker, biscuit, roll, or piece of bread to get the last peas, corn, or rice onto the fork. But never the thumb. I stand my ground.
She said that the first one or two was really difficult....but I guess there are rules to this game....you don't order anything with alcohol unless those from the company do so first. She says she's leery of drinking in this situation anyway....
But she does say that you can surmise a lot about a person in this environment...if they are supposed to be on their best behavior and yelling at the waitress...it's kind of a clue. It's hard to feel someone's personality in a meeting room, but lunch/dinner is more relaxed.
I agree with Don that we don't want to wander into the realm of being ametuer psychiatrists...
and...my family routinely picks on me because there is very little that I actually believe to be appropriate finger food. Just a pet peeve of mine...i will use a fork for french fries.
>publishing industry in NYC....this is how she
>was hired and how she does her final interviews.
>She said that the first one or two was really
>difficult....but I guess there are rules to this
>game....you don't order anything with alcohol
>unless those from the company do so first. She
>says she's leery of drinking in this situation
>But she does say that you can surmise a lot
>about a person in this environment...if they are
>supposed to be on their best behavior and
>yelling at the waitress...it's kind of a clue.
>It's hard to feel someone's personality in a
>meeting room, but lunch/dinner is more relaxed.
>I agree with Don that we don't want to wander
>into the realm of being ametuer psychiatrists...
>and...my family routinely picks on me because
>there is very little that I actually believe to
>be appropriate finger food. Just a pet peeve of
>mine...i will use a fork for french fries.
Hey Denise!
Do you eat your candy bars with a knife and fork?
Meal interviews are great and we do them all the time. We don't worry any more about the little stuff, but the big issues that grab you might never have been discovered witho9ut a casual dinner meal with or without the white table cloth, besides the "cat fish eating places" don't have white table cloths. The "crawfish eating interviews" over NEWSPAPER WITH FINGERS FOR TOOLS AND LOTS OF PAPERTOWELS PROVIDES A GREAT MEAL FOR THE COMPANY MEMBERS AT COMPANY EXPENSE!
A dinner interview at the Catfish Shack or the Crawfish Hut, indeed. And what would you do with the Yankee (or Leviticus devotee) who would eat neither bottom feeder? I suppose they are not fit to work in the Hog World. Do you pay return transportation for these people or bury them on the spot? x:-)
Maybe you don't understand the objectivity of my words or purposes for any particular post and it might help if you and the TN character would quit interjecting your weak understanding of my obviously deeper thoughts.
I have never put down any other food, I love to eat most, but there are good and even greater foods that I recommend. Since we do not have a special eating facility for PORK, we usually find the old main stay in our area on the river, where we dine and enjoy the peaceful world in the North Mississippi arena.
Have a nice evening and a blessed one at that!
What's that supposed to mean? "We found that the spouse was a 'real boss'?"
Pork, you did it this time you nieib and I had nothing to do with it. I simply watched it unfold before my very eyes.
Do you prefer Vaseline or KY?