Dress Code & Sexual Harrassment

We recently banned the short belly shirts from being worn in our office because the shirts expose private body parts and are inappropriate for office attire. When we told one employee, she then complained that management had been harassing her with inappropriate comments and conduct. She just had a review in October and was asked if she had any comments, questions, concerns and nothing was brought up at that time. She has worked for the company for five years with mostly men and has been told that if anyone ever gets out of line, including management, to report it immediately so it can be corrected. We also allow shorts during warm weather and I have seen her wear some questionable short shorts. Do we need to document this and have her sign off on it or consider it retaliation because she is upset that she can no longer wear short shirts to work?
Good luck.
freezin my butt off in Florida :-(
We have battled the same thing for five years. Everytime some "pop tart" in the entertainment industry comes up with some midriff bearing (or worse) apparel, the under 30 crowd feels compelled to follow suit.
Definitely draw your Dress Code line in the sand. Make it as clear as you can. Any wiggle room will be taken advantage of by the EEs and you will find yourself wondering why this is so hard for some of your EEs.