Setting Up A Performance Review Program
134 Posts
We are in the process of dumping our old review system and starting fresh.
I'm looking to get some great advice! Any comments, suggestions, policies, procedures, templates, will be greatly appreciated since basically I'm starting from the ground up.
The two things that we have decided are:
-there will be just a yearly review
-we would like to have info on the form be job specific
Thanks in advance for your advice!
I'm looking to get some great advice! Any comments, suggestions, policies, procedures, templates, will be greatly appreciated since basically I'm starting from the ground up.
The two things that we have decided are:
-there will be just a yearly review
-we would like to have info on the form be job specific
Thanks in advance for your advice!
On a positive note, we just used the new form for the first time in November 2004. It was very well received and no one hates it yet. This form has general categories and is used for everything from clerical, building maintenance, engineers and police officers.
If you change your mind and want to look at a general form, let me know and I'd be happy to share by email.
JAMES, et al - How are we coming on posting forms? :>)
Thanks, Carole
Basically what I am looking for is any advice on starting a new Performance Review Process. Since we are starting from scratch and only have the 2 set ideas in our heads we can pretty much go anywhere.
We recently bought Knowledge Points Performance Impact and while I like the database and goal tracking features they really oversold the actual forms and intregration with Descriptions Now.
All of our job descriptions were created with Descriptions Now and the information I read on Performance Impact made it sound like we could link back to the description and it would create a job specific review, I haven't found this to be the case.
Other info that I was hoping to receive advice on would be training supervisors so as to have somewhat "fair" reviews. Info on 360 degree reviews and how they have worked for your company. Also, do you base your raises on your reviews? And if so, what weights do you use?
Sorry, I should have been more specific to begin with.
We do a yearly Performance Review (on ee anniversary date) it is NOT job specific. However, we have the ee fill out a "Self-Evaluation" form before we do the review with them. This gives them the opportunity to point out their accomplishemnts, where they feel they can improve, etc. It has been well received since we started it 6 months ago. Good Luck.
Brad Forrister
M. Lee Smith Publishers