Salary survey=price fixing??
As I was calling around and gathering information on what other companies are paying their pharmacists, I was informed (by two hospitals) that I should use an outside vendor,as what I was doing was illegal and considered price fixing. Is this something new?
Salary surveys are an acceptable means of collecting data for like size/industry comps. I use published surveys, internet sources, federal and state data, as well as the telephone/written requests that I do with similar companies in my city. Gee -- if they don't want to participate in a survey, just say so. Why try to scare the socks off of a person!
Yes, it's illegal and considered price fixing. IF, you are working in collusion with other hospitals and pharmacies (your competitors) to set the wages in your area. IF, as you are setting these wages, you agree with your competitors to share future plans for wages as well. IF, you and your competitors keep each other informed about decisions, adjustments, tweaks just so that you and your group of co-conspirators can artificially set the wages of a a category or group of employees within the area. IF, you all (you and your competitors) don't disclose to employees/applicants and the public in general that you perform this practice, etc., etc. ...
If you are NOT doing these things, then you're probably not doing anything illegal - just trying to figure out what the wages are at other places - right from the horse's mouth so to speak. However, I don't think it's a "best practice" and you are better off seeking out third party information so no one can accuse your company of attempting to price fix. Also, you need to look at your wages as proprietary information - do you really want to disclose your wages to another company, so that that company can then take your employees by offering them more money? Probably not.