Severance Policies

I have been asked to see what the PRO/CONS are of having a Severance Policy. Does anyone who has a a severance policy have any insite on this or if you don't have one why not?
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for your help,
Good luck.
Having lived in both worlds, my preference is to not have a formal severance plan. Doing so, will likely require you to comply with ERISA and other asst'd reg's and it's just too much busy work for its infrequent application. I much prefer to have a severance plan avail to employees on a discretionary basis when it makes sense to offer it. You can offer the separation payment and get a release from the employee as the quid pro quo, or you can avoid the severance issue altogether by varying advance notice period or transition period. If your organization views severance as an unalienable right, then it probably s/b formalized; otherwise I'd view it as something to consider when deemed necessary.
The reason we converted it to an ERISa policy is because we tended to follow the same formula for determining severance for RIF's and having it be an ERISA plan means that any claims or lawsuits against us are moved into the federal courts where the hurdle for a plaintiff to overcome is much higher than in state courts.
Yes, we have to file a 5500 annually now, but we maintain good records so this will be relatively easy to do.
While pay in lieu of notice is a variation of "severance",keep in mind some states few a "pay in lieu of notice" as a discharge for unemploy/comp purposes and prohibit shortening the pay in lieu of notice period (e.g. employee is required to give 3 wks notice, but employer says we'll pay you 2 wks and you're done today). Your state will undoubtedly have an opinion on that and presumably you're already aware of it.