Salary structure

I am in the process of reevaluating our current salary/wage structure. Without getting into too much detail, I am coming across many positions that are extremely overpaid and way out of the position's salary range.
I don't think there is anything I can do about it at this point. There were many bad decisions made in the past and now many of us are trying to rectify those bad decisions.
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle overpaid positions or even how to handle them once it is annual raise time???
Thanks in advance.
I don't think there is anything I can do about it at this point. There were many bad decisions made in the past and now many of us are trying to rectify those bad decisions.
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle overpaid positions or even how to handle them once it is annual raise time???
Thanks in advance.
A company can either choose not to give any increase to these folks or to give the increase in a lump sum or part of a lump sum.
I would definitely notify the individual that they are in this category and what your plans are, whether to freeze raises totally or give in a lump sum as to not continue to inflate the base rate.
Good luck. This is never a popular thing to do!
I would much rather leave the situation alone, but other bad things can come out of it if it isn't handled.
Thanks for your post.
The information you gather may be helpful to them but if they decide to ignore it, there is little that you can do.
We had exactly the same problem & we've done what Ray suggested...any red-circled could only get 2%or less. But one other point...after years of making salary decisions off the top of their heads & by the "good ole boy" system, our salaries showed gender discrimination as well. My boss didn't want to believe it until I plotted all the salaries against the ranges (blue dots for men, pink for women). For the most part, women consistently fell below mid-point & all red circles were men. Once my boss saw this in black & white, he took the whole idea of bringing salaries back in line a lot more seriously & I had all the cooperation I needed. (Whenever he would start to balk, I suggested he practice explaining those charts to a jury...worked every time!) When looking at salaries that are out of range, its also good to look at groups for disparate treatment that may have occurred over a period of time. For various ingrained reasons, I must watch for gender bias in our organization.
This does not help your current situation, but may help going forward.
Good luck,
Your advice does help, thank you.
Fortunately, I don't have the gender issue, some of our highest paid ee are women and the benefits are all the same here for all levels of ees, I make sure of that (we are also non-profit).
I have some time though to do this project (little less then a year), so I might not get back to you with results right away.
Read the other posts, they were all very helpful.