North Carolina employee pool

We have a high level executive in NC with the highest attrition rate in the company - & not because they leave...because we've had to terminate. We've had to fire managers there for fraud, lying, stealing, fake I-9 documents, fake education documents, etc. not to mention the ones with plain ole performance problems. We do the same background checks, reference checks, pre-employment process that we do in all the other states. She's a highly competent person in other areas & talks tough about her interviewing & hiring. She says its because of the NC employee pool - that this is a common problem among NC employees...lying, cheating, stealing, fraudulant diplomas, etc. She says she's seen it in every job she's had in NC (she's worked in other states as well). We work in numerous states & I'm just not ready to agree with her that its the employee pool. But I'm willing to look at all possibilities, because we must solve this problem. We're heavily invested across NC & can't keep turning over managers every 3 months. So for those of you who are employers in NC, have you found this to be a problem? If you work in numerous states, do you see any difference in NC?
I do not have NC experience, but it is just a bit difficult to swallow. Are you prosecuting the theft, forgeries and frauds? If every ER would do that, the background checks would quickly cull the pool for those issues.
But that aside, these are professionals we're hiring. We've been in this business long enough that we ought to have a better track record in that state.
So, if you make widgets and most of them are bad, it's either the material they're made out of or the process. In this case, it's the process, which brings you right back around to HER.