Cat Fights

How would you guys handle this situation?
We have four admin assistants - one of whom belongs to me. These ladies come up with the pettiest complaints imaginable. (Leaving one person to answer the phone system, not letting people know ahead of time when they are going to be out, etc).
I set up a meeting with them to talk about their issues and problems. My AA came out and got me because another AA was "secretly" taping the conversation.
I did not want to get involved in this pettiness and feel that these folks should be big people and work out their own issues. My CEO is about to the point of tossing them all out and starting over again.
I cannot imagine a group of adults not being able to put a problem on the table and come up with solutions without having to tape a conversation or end up in tears.
Advice PLEASE! I don't have time for this.
We have four admin assistants - one of whom belongs to me. These ladies come up with the pettiest complaints imaginable. (Leaving one person to answer the phone system, not letting people know ahead of time when they are going to be out, etc).
I set up a meeting with them to talk about their issues and problems. My AA came out and got me because another AA was "secretly" taping the conversation.
I did not want to get involved in this pettiness and feel that these folks should be big people and work out their own issues. My CEO is about to the point of tossing them all out and starting over again.
I cannot imagine a group of adults not being able to put a problem on the table and come up with solutions without having to tape a conversation or end up in tears.
Advice PLEASE! I don't have time for this.
I would sit down with them ans try to resolve their issues. I'd put a stop to the taping however. Good luck.
Then, let them know in no uncertain terms, that they are required to work together in the office and they are expected to act like mature, functioning adults. They do not have to like each other, but they must each be an effective team member while they are on the payroll. If any of them or all of them are unable to do this, their future will be freed up so they can find a more compatible work environment and you, as a company, can find more compatible assistants.
This type of interaction can drive you nuts when the people involved take no responsbility for the solutions. Some leadership and firm resolve to have everyone live with the guidelines can show the way.
AMEN Sunny :-) my thoughts exactly! xclap
I think your mayor needs some bigger challenges. he has too much time on his hands.
Good luck with this. Let us know what happens. I'd like to slip this in my boss' mailbox!
Linda Emser
Linda Emser