Vets 100

Would someone please share their procedures and/or forms to track information for Vets-100 Form?

Thank you for your assistance.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I keep track of veteran status in my employee database. After we hire someone I ask if they are a veteran, dates of service and branch of service. I also give them the list from the Office of Personnal Management and ask the employee to circle the campaigns and expeditions which would qualify them for veterans' preference. I enter that information in my database and query it out every year when I have to do my report. I've been doing this for 15 years and it works every time. Good luck.

    I googled "Vets 100 Form" and up pops a reference to answers for all of your questions. We are not a government contractor, so I have not been required to execute the form 100.

    Hope this helps!


  • We're a government contractor and specific questions about veteran's status is part of our application for employment. The information is then enetered into a database and easy to retrieve when needed for the annual report. The following link is the official Vets-100 site for entering the report: [url][/url]
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