No use of Tobacco Products

We are in California. Recently we were acquired by another company, they are privately held. They want to institute the "No use of tobacco products" on company premises. They are willing to pay for smoking cessation classes or a program to assist employees in this area. This applies to existing employees. Moving forward they will make this a pre-requisite for all new hires. (Their founder died of Lung Cancer from second hand smoke)
I'm looking for assistance in the law that gives employers this authority.
I'm looking for assistance in the law that gives employers this authority.
>second hand smoke)
I say horse pucky to the physician who gave this post mortem opinion. No offense to the dead founder is intended. Junk science is rampant in our society today. OK, I'll concede that smoking is not healthy but most studies on SHS are biased with a pre-determined outcome.
Let's see, we subsidize the tobacco farmers with tax dollars then the same government sues the companies who take the raw material and refine it into a legal consumer product. Only in America.
BTW the companies that got sued particpated in deceptive advertising and continuosly lied to American consumers. Sure they made a legal product. But I think the issue is a little deeper than that.
Second, deceptive advertising and continuosly lied to consumers, about what? Back in the 50's maybe but in recent history I beg to differ.
My first hand experience when I ran a pediatric practice is that children of smokers, in general, had more health problems than children of non-smokers (asthma, respiratory infections). This is well established information in the pediatric field. I would argue that pediatricians are not out to destroy the tobacco industry, they are concerned for the health of children.
I don't know who the SHS is and I'm not using them for my information.
I have some old Life magazines from the 50’s that show Dr. so and so recommending a certain brand of cigs. I also have had conversations with physicians who went through med school years ago and at the end of the lunch line there were salesmen giving away all different brands of cigs. I know there has been deception in the past but this is not the only industry that has practiced deceptive advertising however they seem to be the ones that are being singled out now. I challenge you to watch any beer commercial and tell me that they are not deceptive and may even be targeting our youth.
I believe the studies are based on junk science just like the ozone issue. In 1984 I took a chemistry class and at that time the issue in the scientific community was global cooling caused by the same substances the community now claims cause global warming. Again junk science in my opinion.
>interesting on second hand smoke (SHS).
I was just kidding, I knew what SHS was...x:-8
I challenge you to watch any beer
>commercial and tell me that they are not
>deceptive and may even be targeting our youth.
I never said that other industries didn't participate in deceptive advertising. But anyway I like beer and not cigs, so I'm biased.
>I believe the studies are based on junk science
>just like the ozone issue. In 1984 I took a
>chemistry class and at that time the issue in
>the scientific community was global cooling
>caused by the same substances the community now
>claims cause global warming. Again junk science
>in my opinion.
I appreciate the info and your opinion. How about we go for a smoke after work?
I agree with Safety on the SHS - don't see how anyone can make that conclusion.