Unbelievable UI Determination

I had an employee who was terminated after a post-accident drug screen came back positive for marijuana. In talking with her about the test she admitted to smoking a joint a couple of days prior to the accident.
Our drug and alcohol policy is very clear regarding this issue as well as the requirement for pre-employment and reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing.
Anyway I just received the IU determination and it stated that, although she failed the drug test and we had a legitimate business reason to terminate her, our policy does not prohibit on and off duty drug use so the termination does not rise to the level of misconduct.
I don't know what the state of WI wants from it's employers!!! The employees receive a copy of the policy, it is something that is openly discussed in that employees know what the company stance is on this issue and it is administered consistently!!
I would like to ask the adjudicator exactly WHAT rises to the level of misconduct in the state of WI!!! Now I have to spend my time appealing a decision that, based on prior experience, seemed like a "slam dunk" win for us.
Thanks for letting me vent a little.
Our drug and alcohol policy is very clear regarding this issue as well as the requirement for pre-employment and reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing.
Anyway I just received the IU determination and it stated that, although she failed the drug test and we had a legitimate business reason to terminate her, our policy does not prohibit on and off duty drug use so the termination does not rise to the level of misconduct.
I don't know what the state of WI wants from it's employers!!! The employees receive a copy of the policy, it is something that is openly discussed in that employees know what the company stance is on this issue and it is administered consistently!!
I would like to ask the adjudicator exactly WHAT rises to the level of misconduct in the state of WI!!! Now I have to spend my time appealing a decision that, based on prior experience, seemed like a "slam dunk" win for us.
Thanks for letting me vent a little.
The community enjoyed that one, we were able to rid ourselves of 70 dead animals real quick. The pick-up trucks and front end loader tractors were coming and going!
Even stealing caught on video tape has gone the employee's way. I know of a case where an empoyee failed to show up to work for 3 days and was released for job abandonment. During the hearing the employee admitted to going on a drinking binge and was trapped in his truck by a pack of dogs. When asked why the employee didn't just drive away, he replied, I was far to drunk to drive, I might have hit the dogs.
Keep fighting the battles, maybe in the future the tides may turn back the other way.