HR Software Programs

We are in the beginning stages of researching software programs that are availabe for HR. We are currently a company right around 50 employees. We have 4 other location than our headquarters each in different states. We also have 2 other companies outside of the U.S. but for right now do not anticipate them being in the same program (small offices). We are currently using ADP payroll and would like the new system to be able to integrate with it along with a time clock program(currently timesheets are done manually).

I would appreciate any advise on how to go about the selection process and pros/cons of systems you are currently using. Thanks!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • SANDY: WE ARE A SEPERATE DIVISION OF A MUCH LARGER CORPORATION. We are computer generated out of North Carolina and use a common personnnel and payroll system in ANZIO. For SAFETY, we use a software program call OSHLOG, which takes all the data needed for an accident report and accums it into the required event reports and gathers the accidents with injury for the larger dividions and corporate level reports. All peronnel files are hard copy and manual. We use a time card punch system, which is still manual. We file and calculate manual. We found the time keeping and payroll generation was to expensive and would cause the other divisions located in other states to much pain and trouble, so we stayed with the old systems and operate around the inefficiencies. In another company, we use abbra cadabra for personnel record information, but still backed up the personnel data with hardcopy record files. Abbra Cadabra did have an integration of personnel files and payroll, but I never got around to putting it in place.

    Hope this helps.

  • We use ADP PC Payroll and etime that integrates with ADP. It is extremely easy to use and if you get the Reportsmith option as well as the HR can't go wrong. Hope this helps...go to or have your ADP rep give the run down.
  • Thank you both for taking time to provide me with information. I sincerely appreciate it!
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