Am I in the wrong line of work?

Forgive me if this is not the appropriate place to post this, but I am in need of letting loose a little steam.
Do you ever sit back and wonder if you've chosen the right profession (HR)? I got into this field because of my desire to work with people and help people on a daily basis. But lately I wonder how much I really like people anymore. :0) Day in and day out I feel like I'm caught up in the middle of a Jerry Springer episode...where he's mad at her, she doesn't like this person, that's my chair, he's looking at me, she's talking about me, ect...AAGGGHHH!!! PEOPLE!
I just left my previous job because it was a family owned company where the owners and management were involved in unethical, unmoral and illegal activity. After 18 months I'd taken just about all I could take. My CYA file had grown to about 2-3 inches thick. So I decided to leave. Now I'm at a new place of employment, and 3 months into this I'm already growing tired of it and questioning if I made the right decision! The supervisors are horrible at their jobs, to say the least. They play favorites, have no idea or comprehension of how and why things should be done in a specific, consistent and logical manner. I'm pretty much trying to fix 10 years of bad habits and pi** poor leadership. In the meantime, I'm also having to deal with 120 EE's who behave like 12 year olds (and get away with it to boot)! this just a string of bad career moves for me that will eventually work itself out, or is the real issue whether or not I'm in the right field? When I first started HR 4 1/2 years ago, I LOVED it. I looked forward to coming to work each and every day. I couldn't wait to see what the day had in store for me. Now it's more of a chore that I wish I could get out of. Should it really be like this?
Sorry for rambling on and on...just really frustrated today and not sure which way to turn.
Thanks for listening.
Do you ever sit back and wonder if you've chosen the right profession (HR)? I got into this field because of my desire to work with people and help people on a daily basis. But lately I wonder how much I really like people anymore. :0) Day in and day out I feel like I'm caught up in the middle of a Jerry Springer episode...where he's mad at her, she doesn't like this person, that's my chair, he's looking at me, she's talking about me, ect...AAGGGHHH!!! PEOPLE!
I just left my previous job because it was a family owned company where the owners and management were involved in unethical, unmoral and illegal activity. After 18 months I'd taken just about all I could take. My CYA file had grown to about 2-3 inches thick. So I decided to leave. Now I'm at a new place of employment, and 3 months into this I'm already growing tired of it and questioning if I made the right decision! The supervisors are horrible at their jobs, to say the least. They play favorites, have no idea or comprehension of how and why things should be done in a specific, consistent and logical manner. I'm pretty much trying to fix 10 years of bad habits and pi** poor leadership. In the meantime, I'm also having to deal with 120 EE's who behave like 12 year olds (and get away with it to boot)! this just a string of bad career moves for me that will eventually work itself out, or is the real issue whether or not I'm in the right field? When I first started HR 4 1/2 years ago, I LOVED it. I looked forward to coming to work each and every day. I couldn't wait to see what the day had in store for me. Now it's more of a chore that I wish I could get out of. Should it really be like this?
Sorry for rambling on and on...just really frustrated today and not sure which way to turn.
Thanks for listening.
If you can not figure that out then this job and probably many others you'll find a similiar circumstance for you.
In my current position I found much about the same things you mention. I set out and was hired to make a difference. I developed training programs with the help of M Lee Smith and began to train supervisors on what it means to step up and take a position in Leadership. I like to think I have made a difference after re-training the operational department managers and their supervisory team. I pulled together and published an Employee Handbook". I began to pull together documentation and consistency of action within HR Department. I began to defend Unemployment hearings with me as our representative verses a retained attorney. We began and have not lost a case in my hands, EEOC cases have also not been lost. Employee relations and complaints have subsided because we operate from a Employee Handbook that tells everyone with the ability to read, what to expect in almost every case. ( I know Dandy Don and others question my ability to read and write, but that is ok, my BOSS AND THE OWNER feel comfortable that I know what I am doing!)
All of the above brings me to my original point, "you figure out if you want to make a difference and if you don't then you have answered your own concerns, and made a decision to get out of HR work"! If you don't do this, then this is the wrong place to post and expect a cookie cutter answer, we have been there and done that!!!
I can tell you that I have felt some of the same frustrations with dealing with employees. The massive amount of people problems in the workplace today is relatively new. I think it has to do with the changing workforce,their expectations and entitlement mentality.
I was raised to respect home, at school and in the workplace. I think this is sadly lacking in today's homes and workplace.
When I took this job five years ago, there were a multitude of problems just like you described. It has taken all this time to get a lot of them ironed out...but still...on a weekly basis, you get employees who display childish behavior and can't get along with each other in the simpliest of situations.
I really don't have an answer to it...I think any organization you go to, you will find this on some level in today's workforce.
We all need to complain every once in a while. It makes us feel better. But now take this opportunity to do something about it. Please don't take this as a negative comment. It is intended to be motivational. Good luck and I sincerely hope things get better.
First you need to decide if the current ER you are with is where you want to be.
If you decide to stay, the next step would be where to start to make changes so that the managers can help you in your job by following the procedures you will need to step up for them to follow. Once this is done and they begin to follow them the little items of he said, she said should be brought to a minimum and you will have time to deal with the bigger issue and get the HR dept in shape.
All you can do is take one day at a time and one task to conquer at a time.
Good Luck!
You're probably OK where you are. It's part of the dance.
Well, I will certainly take everything that has been posted into consideration. I am in a Generalist/Management position, so I deal with anything and everything you can think of...EE relations, training, payroll, compensation, benefits, staffing, recruiting and retention, etc. I guess sometimes I get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done and all the little bumps in the road that pop up along the way.
Here's another piece of the puzzle that is bothering me. Hopefully this won't offend anyone. But I also struggle somewhat being a young female in a predominantly older male organization. Try being a young somewhat attractive 25 year old female HR Generalist/Mgr who is trying to change the behavior and management style of a group of older gentlemen who are really set in their ways and are opposed to women in management roles. I get the "she's young, she'll learn" or "she's just naieve" line day in and day out. It gets old quick.
I even had to take down the honeymoon picture of myself and my husband because the men here were too immature to handle seeing me on the beach with my husband (yes - we were wearing swimsuits in the picture, but mine was a one piece and the shot was only from the waist up)! No one ever had the guts to say anything to me directly, but it was all over the floor "you gotta get up to the HR office and see this picture of the new girl in her swim suit)! For crying outloud...GROW UP! Things like that really bother me. What year are we in? Things like that make it hard for me to level out the playing field.
BTW, there is a forum calendar and we are missing a few months. :oo
I know that was unprofessional, but I just said what Beagle, Ray and Don were thinking.
Your post is almost identical to my situation last week. A peer and I were venting to each other "why can't they just grow up?" and "how many times do I have to tell them?" and etc.
Finally, we both agreed "maybe it's time to look at ourselves". It wasn't fun, but both of us realized that while we were only being negative (bitching) around each other and not others, we certainly weren't doing all the positive things we could be doing and that we USED to do for the others: bringing in surprise treats, inviting others to lunch, promoting play in the office, recognizing positive behavior or good work, etc.
That realization was only a week ago, and already, I'm feeling more positive vibes from others since I've adjusted my own attitude.
I've been here almost 3 years and I still have a long way to go with getting supervisors on board but it'll go a lot faster and smoother when I keep up my normal positive attitude. Having a safe person to vent to and with whom you can have a brutally honest relationship is a huge help. th-up
Good luck and Best wishes to all of the women in our HR world, but don't be like a bump on the log, there are many of those. Be the female frog and lead the male frogs to their rightful place in the chain of things. If you let them they'll hold you back!
The owners and the company VP (my bosses) fortunately have a great amount of faith in me, which I very much appreciate. I can make a huge impact in our company, but lately I'd been frustrated with feeling ineffective, even if just for a short time. Choosing to look at my own attitude rather than focusing on "why can't they..." really helped. x:)
The secret is ATTITUDE. We're in a great place to make changes to things which we don't like about our places of work. Where else can you do that, unless you're the CEO?
a) you generally are not brought into the loop until there is a problem.
b) people generally call you up to complain about something.
c) when you do things right, you are generally rewarded with silence.
This does go with the territory, but I agree that every now and then, there are moments of clarity that lock me into my role, whether it is seeing an individual through a tough time or coming up with an idea that saves the company significant time and money.
Even if you don't stick with your current company, I hope you stick with HR. I have found the opportunity to be in touch with every person as well as every business function in each of the jobs in my career to be unmatched in career satisfaction.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
^new place of employment, and 3 months into this I'm already growing tired of it;
^wonder how much I really like people anymore; ^supervisors are horrible at their jobs;
^When I first started HR 4 1/2 years ago
HR, as Sam put it, is not warm and fuzzy. It is draining, stressful, demanding, hectic and traumatic. If you like the company and the people you work for, it can be rewarding, fulfilling,and heartwarming.
Being human, it is impossible not to have emotions. It's the way you deal with them that is important in this field. It takes insight, understanding and lots of flexibility. These are acquired over time and as you develop your persona. Try a little empathy, a little understanding, and a whole lot of humor.
Oh, get rid of that dam picture!! Jeeeeezzzeeee.
I have since pulled myself up by my bootstraps and am taking things one step at a time and one day at a time. Some days I leave feeling like I've made some great accomplishments and I'm on top of the world, and other days I leave wondering if I've accomplished anything at all. But I realize that I am definitely in the right field (HR), and when I get down and discouraged sometimes I just need to take a long hard look in the mirror for direction.
Thanks to everyone for being so kind and supportive. I sure do appreciate y'all!
Boy, oh boy! I read this and thought "darn, that's EXACTLY what I deal with daily. I think I may be in exactly the same place in my head you were when this post was originally written. I am so tired of having to explain to "seemingly intelligent people" that a BUSINESS cannot be run by erratic and ever changing emotions. I have one manager that consistently changes her mind. On Monday it is "place an ad, he is out of here!!!" On Wednesday she is explaining to me the ee's "personal issues" and why the behavior was justified. It is headache making and annoying, to say the least. The ee's are running amok!!! After Hurricane Charley I received phone calls from Tech's who wanted to go out and volunteer to help, but, they ALSO wanted the company to pay them while they did it-Can you believe I had manager's ask me if we would do that??? I was dumbfounded. I thought about it for all of 1/2 minute and said NO, tell them to work and THEN we will pay them.....I feel your pain!