Paid Maternity Leave

I am trying to find out if companies still pay maternity leave. We had an employee who went out on short-term disability and was upset when she found out the coverage was for six weeks. I think she was initially confused because she thought when electing the short term it would pay for 12 weeks. As we know - they just don't read the information given to them.
She is a valued employee and told me two of her friends received paid maternity leave for 12 weeks. I think she is still getting the issued mixed up with possibly even FMLA.
I have been asked to research this by the President of our company to find out if other companies (we are a 15 million dollar company) pay maternity leave? If you do - what does the company pay? Thanks everyone!!
She is a valued employee and told me two of her friends received paid maternity leave for 12 weeks. I think she is still getting the issued mixed up with possibly even FMLA.
I have been asked to research this by the President of our company to find out if other companies (we are a 15 million dollar company) pay maternity leave? If you do - what does the company pay? Thanks everyone!!
>the insurance company add a rider Also are you
>saying you pay all disabilities 12 weeks paid
>including something like a hysterectomy which is
>usually released by the doctor at 8 weeks?
We are not self-insured...we worked it out with insurance company that all maternity cases would be attomatically approved for 12 weeks. Other disability cases we only allowed for what the doctor covered and if they stayed out longer they could use sick/vacation or unpaid leave for the remaining weeks. Our insurance company said that this was a common practice.
However, the ee can use her sick time (whatever is available)for as long as her doctor certifies that she is PHYSICALLY unable to return to work. Any other time is taken as Vacation or Personal, or unpaid.
Few ee's can afford to go very long without a paycheck, so they're back as soon as the dr. clears them.
FML runs concurrent with all other leaves.
FMLA protects the position by federal law for those that qualify for FMLA. In our case, one may qualify for portions of the of the financial aspects of the medical leave policy and not fully qualify for the FMLA provisions. Natural child birth under the medical leave policy would get you 4 weeks of reduced pay and two weeks of vacation, sick, pay or portions thereof to include "no pay due" for the first two weeks if that is the appropriate situation, because none has been awarded. 6 weeks is the total income for natural child birth, after which, if qualified for FMLA the physician can require the ee to stay off for up to an additional six weeks with "no pay due", for child care, bonding, or ee stress after birth. If not qualified for FMLA the ee is terminated as a medical disqualification. If c-section IS THE REQUIRED PROCEDURE THEN 8 WEEKS IS THE OUTSIDE LIMIT; and the ee must pay her own medical premium for the last two weeks of the extended medical treatment period.
FMLA qualification and not qualified situations are explained to the ee at the same time and it is documented and signed by the ee! There should never be a case where an employee is allowed or capable of saying I did not know. This includes the male employees who are a part of the maternity situation. They too, can qualify for FMLA, but will not qualify for the medical leave policy and associated benefits. The male ee can not claim that he did not know and that we failed to tell him, this is explained in our "employee handbook" and we have a current document with his signature.
Yes it is a lot of time and paperwork, but it is time and money well spent to prevent a more costly litigation situation.
I certainly hope this helps you! Send me an e-mail, if you need further clarification.
The lesson I have learned is to let employees know when they elect diability coverage to spell out this benefit is treated as any other illness and will cover you up through your doctors release.
Thank you for all your help!
We have a voluntary STD & LTD plan that runs concurrent with State Dis up to max. $ allowed.
The STD starts after 2 wks goes to 90 days then LTD kicks in if needed.
Wouldn't the employee be eligible for the 6 weeks of bonding without the doctor's approval if they've only used 6 weeks for the birth?