Bathroom Etiquette

An employee complained about another unidentified co-worker who repeateded uses the bathroom without cleaning up the seat. Our on staff hygienist are concerned about people not washing their hands -- and\or bringing work documents into the bathroom (for potential distribution to others).
Any ideas on how to handle this would be appreciated.
Any ideas on how to handle this would be appreciated.
This might be a good time for a retelling of the bathroom stall artist story...
anyway, sometimes this has been adressed with memos reminding ee's of the importance of being sanitary...some have taken more extreme routes...
This is a tough subject to address that you probably thought you'd left in grade school!
Try putting up a hand sanitation station in or near the restroom. Many people who won't take time to wash with soap and water will use the alcohol based sanitizer. Even placing the pump bottles of sanitizer in a few key locations will help.
Something like:
Our aim is to keep this place clean. Your aim will help tremdously.
Your mother does not work here. Please clean up after yourself.
I think you get the picture.
check out the link from netscape:
Don, you are priceless. I'm surprised you havn't gotten more grief for your
'remove the seat' comment.
"We aim to please! You aim too, please?"
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o