Pregnancy leave in Illinois??

I am aware of the requirements of FMLA, but my COO thinks there is something additional required by us as an employer in the state of Illinois. I can't find anything about disability due to pregnancy other that the federal law. Is there something state specific that I am not aware of??


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check your dept. of labor website...if there are special provisions, it should be there.

  • I checked it out, I can't find anything, thats why I am asking here. I hate going back and saying "I couldn't find anything one way or the other." Just wondering if any well forumites might have some insight.

  • A suggestion: While you're waiting for a response here on the Forum, which I'm sure is forthcoming, why not give your state DOL main office a call to check. Then, if he's walking up and down the hall, likely to question you, you can tell him you've made several contacts and you're in the process of getting a final answer.
  • It may be in the hidden minds of older managers. What would you do for a "broken leg male", "broken leg female", or a "broken leg gender free" employee. What your company policy says about anyone of the above is the exact same thing you would do for an expecting female employee. Now, if you have an expecting male employee, there is a serious disability issue there. I just had to through that humor in.

    The only difference with how you treat an "expecting child" employee is that, the physician's written instruction could require the company to place the person out on FMLA or in fact, terminate if the FMLA did not cover that situation prior to the anticipated due date!

    I can not imagine the state of illinois having an inside track of "how to discriminate between a sick male and that of a sick female ee", the Feds say "no go there"! Your CEO just needs to be educated by you, a very smart, confident, and all knowing and assuring HR in the arena of HR. His support of your membership in this FORUM has allowed you this very rich set of library books. It is proof that the CEO knows what he/she is doing, but his fact on IL law is mis-guided. I have not practiced there, but we have PORK there and he/she should eat more PORK and he/she would not have to give you mis-guided task to run down. Just say it ain't so, and terminate her tomorrow because she does not qualify for it, just like you did last month for the broken leg errand boy/girl. We have had it happen 7 times in 5 years and when explained it has not been an issue.

    Maybe I've just been eating to much PORK and the message is so very clear to this ole HR.
  • We have a facility in IL. I am unaware of any additional burden for pregnant ee's than what is required by the FMLA.
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