English Speaking Rules

I have an employee whom I hired one year ago who speaks limited English. Our company has means to offer ESL classes and I offered the classes to the new employee after she was hired. She declined stating that she was working with a friend to learn English. After a year, the employee still has a translator accompanying her to HR to discuss sensitive, personal issues. I have heard her speak fluent English however her supervisor feels that she may not understand commands and directions fully. I suggest having her repeat the commands and instructions for clarity. Recently, I needed to speak with her about surgery she was having. Like always she had a translator (another hourly employee) in tow. I asked her if she felt comfortable speaking with me alone and she said yes. Now, the other employee who I asked to be excused from the meeting has come to me saying she is offended and that I am violating her (the other employee's rights to representation (my employees are savvy). I know in disclipnary actions an employee can bring a buddy along but can I exclude the translator if I feel she is unnecessary. I believe a little bullying may be going on and the employee is afraid to speak up to me and her co-worker. Any suggestions on dealing with this issue.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Type this up and show it to the other employee and see what happens.

    Por favor, es necesario hablar con (name) solo porque es contra la ley cuando algo persona de la compania habla de cosas privadas, por ejemplo la cirugia, con otras personas.

    Please, it is necessary to talk to (name) alone because it is against the law when someone from the company talks about private things, for example the surgery, with other people.

    Oops, I don't remember what, if any, language you mentioned but I assumed Spanish.
  • Along the lines of Gillian3's suggestion, type this up and read it to the employee who told you that you are violating the employee's rights.

    "I reserve the right to speak privately with employees of this company unless they specifically request that another person accompany them to a meeting that may result in discipline. If that becomes the case, she will have a right to ask that an employee of her choice accompany her. Unless that occurs, I have no intention of allowing you into the room when I have discussions with her. Go back to work. (Returnae to el machino pronto por favor).
  • Thanks Gillian3, I need your bilingual ability and your assumption was correct, they speak Spanish.

    Don D - Will you be at conference in New Orleans, I have got to meet you. I wish I could put you on retainer. I love your responses.

  • That's - regresar pronto a la maquina, por favor.
  • Please add: "Or layoff el bootie, mucho pronto, mi amigo". x:-)
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