Solicitation (sexual) on duty
Hi. I'm a fairly new HR professional in the midsouth area and am hoping someone can give me some advice as to how to handle an investigation into the following matter.
A concerned ee has come forward claiming a fellow ee has been selling sexual favors to other ee's and guests on our property.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this investigative scenario should procede?
Any/all help is appreciated...
A concerned ee has come forward claiming a fellow ee has been selling sexual favors to other ee's and guests on our property.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this investigative scenario should procede?
Any/all help is appreciated...
Peyton Irby
Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
(601) 949-4810
How to investigate?? Start with the people you know to be involved and keep working down the line. Document and hopefully you will be able to terminate this ee. Selling sexual favors to clients cannot be good for your company image!!!
Good Luck! This one is sure to be a story you'll tell for a long time to come.
>trap and fire HER may be to enlist the aid of
>the police and have them 'sting' HER.
Don -- Her? You're assuming, aren't you?
Once again I must insist upon the creation of an emoticon laughing it's a$$ off. Thanks.
My $0.02 worth! 8-|
DJ The Balloonman
Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Thanks again! xpray
By the way, these must be casino hotels or something - stuff like this sure doesn't go on in MY company!!