Temp to Hire

We have an employee who plans to move to Australia to live with her husband in September pending all her paperwork goes through properly. She is in a very detailed, company specific position that would require 3-6 months of training to have someone take over. If she leaves and we don't have someone trained and ready to go, we're essentially screwed b/c the other person in her dept. will be on maternity leave.

So, my question is this....Can I hire someone temp to hire in case the employee doesn't leave? Will I be responsible for unemployment if I have to let the new hire go? And, should I draw up some sort contract/form detailing the temp to hire position and if so, does anyone have a sample of something like that?

Okay-yeah that's all my questions. Any input would be appreciated.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would think you would find it very difficult to "hire" someone under the scenario you have laid out. I would recommend that you contact a temporary staffing company, advise them of the skill set you are looking for and of the time-frame for possible regular employment for this individual. Sure it will cost you a little mark-up over pay rate for a few months but well worth it versus hiring/terminating if your EE does not leave.
  • and if the ee works out...you can hire right from the Agency. We bring in all of our entry level people via employment agencies...they have 6 months to get up to speed and become staff with us. Some we keep around longer....while it is a bit more expensive...it helps us out by test driving ee's before offering a permanent position.

    It also helps the ee's, because if they don't like it here, they can request a new assignment and no harm is done.

  • Thanks for the input. We've got a great resume and would really like to talk to this person so if I'm going to go the temp agency route, any way to kind of push that person there?
  • We do this type of arrangement frequently for clients. Talk to your temporary staffing firm (if you don't have one go to staffingtoday.net & look for a member company in your city/state). Many of our clients tell applicants they have to apply for the position through the temporary staffing company - the details are a business arrangement between you and the staffing company.
  • Thanks! That's probably what we'll end up doing.
  • MB104: Why not just use a temp hire service. If the employee does not leave you can send the temp hire back. If you like the temp hire service person you could then roll the temp hire employee on into your company into the position in which she has been hired. If the other employee is on maternity leave and the other ee does not leave then use the temp hire in the expecting mothers position until she/he returns.


    I have been away for a few days with a new computer program and I was out of the loop, hope I did not miss anything important!
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