Opening Day

Took today off........opening day for the Kansas City Royals! I will think of all of you while I am at the park having a hot dog. Supposed to hit 70 today. My son and I will have enough fun for all of you. :-)
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Gary Cooper = Lou Gehrig (New York Yankees first baseman "Pride of the Yankees" which is baseball)
Now, just who were you referring to Beags?!?!?
In any event Balloonman - I am envious as down under, and I don't mean Australia! AZ D-backs opening day is tomorrow afternoon and yes, I have no tickets. x:'(
Have a great time!
Just my .02 worth x;-) .
Tastycakes sounds like a nickname that when used between co-workers would cause me more paperwork.
As to taking your son to Hooters, there is no way I could come up with a comment that wouldn't be censored.
James Sokolowski
The most incredible finish to a game I have ever seen in person. Down 7-3 in the 9th, to pull out the victory.
I have been going to opening day since 1997 with my son..................... this is one that will never be forgotten.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Hmmmm he is only 11.............but I think I know where we will eat when he turns 14!
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
There is no sport like baseball when it comes to creating memories.
p.s. Several weeks later, the Angels became the FIRST team to ever win the first two games of the ALCS and still lose the series.
Royals fans - you know what I mean when I say................I BELIEVE!!!
Well, to make a long store short, he passed away on Holy Thursday in 1985 and he was not physically at the World Series but I know he was rooting from Heaven! I have never been to a Royals game but just the name Royals brings a smile to my face as I always think of my pop sitting on his front porch, ice tea in hand, pipe in mouth rooting for his team.
I do remember sitting next to a fan who caught a foul ball and then had it passed down to the box seats where Angel's owner Gene Autry signed. Everyone chuckled because Gene put the wrong year down.
Maybe we were related.