What is the real termination date?

It is a long standing practice of our payroll department to use the last day the person worked as their temination date. We are a private country club and hire employee seasonal workers on an as needed basis; the decision to terminate may be made six weeks or more after the last day the person actually worked. Which date should be used as the termination date; the last day worked or the date the department head puts on the temination form?
Our problem was, how do we reply to employment verifications when they ask for beginning and ending dates of employment? A substitute teacher might be termed because her contact info is no longer valid and we just can't reach her. Sometimes it's because an employee didn't return from FML.
If a substitute teacher has dropped off the face of the earth, should it be their last day worked? Or last day of attempted contact?
If an employee doesn't return from FML, should we give the end date of the leave?
We have a two day, no call - no show, policy that results in voluntary termination. If I used the last day worked as the termination date, we terminated them prior to their violating the policy.
Keep them separate - it is cleaner in my opinion.
Say the person has hours of paid leave time to use and does so during FML, then doesn't return. If you term on last day worked, essentially you termed then let the employee use vacation and sick time for the next few weeks still on the books. How do you reconcile that?