What do I do ?

Normally when a former employee files for Unemployment, the State sends a verification form to the last employer, to be returned as required by Law within ten days if the employee was not laid off due to lack of work . Last Monday, our most experienced welder - who had been here for almost seven years was fired - managment kept HR ( me ) out of the terination meeting, and I know that for sure no disciplinary documentation was ever put in the employee file. The State form listed the welder employee's reasons for dismissal as : "Was fired for asking too many questions" . For whatever reason, management won't tell me what happened in the termination meeting . The State for asks for a brief narrative of the facts under penalty of perjury. The General Manager gave me the form - without saying anything - to complete , sign and return the form to the State.

It's weird, and I got a bad feeling about this.
Any ideas ???? Thanks!



  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Are you saying that you will be expected to protest this person's unemployment? Without any details? Good luck!

    If it were me, I simply would not respond, then when EDD calls tell them you were not involved with the termination. Then you can do one of two things, either state that your company will not protest the applicant's unemployment claim or give them the name and the number of the person responsible for the termination. I don't know what else you could do.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-15-04 AT 07:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'd give the form back to the General Manager, or whoever terminated the employee, and ask them to complete the form, since you don't have the information and nobody is willing to share it with you.
  • Hi Chari - without any information from the GM, I would simply write on the form that the ee was fired & no previous write ups or reprimands are on file. He'll get the UI and you can cross it off your list of "to do" issue. To your list of "to do" issues, I would add to the top of the list, create policy whereby HR presence at termination meetings is required company policy/practice x;-)
  • The above all seem like good advice on how to handle this.

    However, I surely wouldn't tolerate being left out of the loop. You need to confront your management (GM). Do they not trust you???

    What is your role? is it clearly defined?

    I have a problem with HR being told that they CANNOT know about a situation.

    If you're in charge of HR at your organization, don't act like a clerk, stand up for yourself. If that doesn't go over too well, find another job.

    Obviously, you can stand up for yourself in a tactful, tasteful manner. But don't sit back and be a quiet, little HR doormat.

  • Dragonlady: For the moment, you're still the company representative, being paid to do what's best for your employer. It's not best to put on the form that the employee was fired without cause or previous warnings. Since you don't know what happened, try to have someone who does know fill out the form. Let them explain what appears to be a bad situation.
    Long term, Aluminumboy gave good advice: you shouldn't be kept out of the loop, and may have to look for other employment. Short term, you have to consider your own situation: You have a bad feeling about this, and rightly so. Don't compromise your values; see if the situation can be righted, or make plans to leave.
  • Thanks to you all who gave advice. I am going to wait until the Production Supervisor ( who supervised the welder )comes back from an install job, and whom I can trust - to ask him about the form.

    Aluminum Boy : If only you knew all the battles I go through as HR rep and that is just within this company. Above all, I value the integrity of the HR function . Toward that end, I decided to start looking for another position - this was the last straw.

    Again. Thanks !

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