
Will it never end??
We recently hired a young lady as a front desk receptionist in our pediatric practice. For the most part, althought unexperienced in office work, she is sweet and tries very hard. However, the rest of my staff is "freaking out" because of her hairdo.
She came into the office this week with her hair in "corn rows/braids" or whatever they are called. I have chosen not to make an issue over it, but rest of staff feels it is in extremely bad taste and make complaints to me almost every day. She's otherwise, neat, pleasant, helpful and with mentoring will do a good job.
Any suggestions?
We recently hired a young lady as a front desk receptionist in our pediatric practice. For the most part, althought unexperienced in office work, she is sweet and tries very hard. However, the rest of my staff is "freaking out" because of her hairdo.
She came into the office this week with her hair in "corn rows/braids" or whatever they are called. I have chosen not to make an issue over it, but rest of staff feels it is in extremely bad taste and make complaints to me almost every day. She's otherwise, neat, pleasant, helpful and with mentoring will do a good job.
Any suggestions?
What does your dress code policy say?
My dress code policy states that when employees are hired it is partly b/c of the professional image they present. To stray from the professional image will not be tolerated... blah blah blah...Extreme hairstyles will not be tolerated. Extreme colors, etc. This would include the "corn row" look, purple hair, mohawks, the "skin head" look (shaved head and visible tattoos)dreadlocks, "oversized" afros, etc.
Review your policy and maybe you can find a loophole which will allow you to address this issue. But with the summer months coming, the braided look is very popular and can be tasteful if done correctly.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Braids are a preferred style for some minority groups; be careful if this is the case here.
Unless there is something very unusual about the braids....I don't think this is an "extreme" hairstyle.
>and with mentoring will do a good job.
>Sounds like you have a real gem. Corn rows and/or braids are common. Actually, they are probably one of the neatest hairstyles around.
I would be concerned about why this is "freaking out" the staff.
Unless there's something extreme about the corn rows, what's wrong with it? I got the same impression Betty got. There could be more going on than the hair do.
Personally, if the individual was neat and clean with their hairstyle, I'd probably not object. It means a lot to have a cooperative, friendly easy to get along with employee.
I have learned in the last couple of years that I cannot hold today's employees to my standard of dress. I was raised in the conservative banking world where women were expected to dress like executives - the same as the guys. I feel very uncomfortable if I am not well groomed, with stockings, etc. I have always felt that you were judged (even if unconsciously by how you look and present yourself). I am a Brooks Brothers, Talbots kind of person, but I see very little of that in today's business world. Image and dress is a lost art in today's "Britney Spears/Janet Jackson World".
Please provide us with an update.
For those complaining, would ask how her hair style is affecting their ability to do their work.....
A former employee used to wear braids with long extensions of varying shades of blonde and brown. I wouldn't have chosen the look for myself, but the style kept her hair out of her face and always looked neat. A manager (not her own) didn't like her hair and wanted her to change it. Her supervisor told him to back off.