360 Performance Appraisals

My company is interested in implementing a 360 Performance Appraisal system. Could any of you please share with me their policy/procedure on such a system? I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • They tend to make me dizzy.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I think they are great, but not as a performance appraisal tool. I think they should be used for someone's personal and professional development. Of course, if people don't make behavior changes that lead to effectiveness in their jobs as a result of the process, that should be indicated on performance appraisals or routine feedback.

    All managers, GM's, and senior officers utilize this tool in our Company. It's infiltrating our supervisory ranks, as well. It is followed up with a substantial coaching process. It has been extremely successful and widely accepted as an extremely effective performance improvement tool.

    I think you have to utilize a good 360 tool and be tied into the right people to make it work. There are a lot of options out there. We use a series of on-line 360 instruments from PDI, which makes for quick and easy administration, they are confidential, and the measurement instrument fits our culture and organization.

    Too many politics and issues with making 360's part of formal performance appraisals.

    Our company of 10,000 plus employees does not use performance appraisals...AMEN!
  • Hey aluminum boy, do you have to build a warehouse and clear cut a forrest for the amount of paperwork they create? Just curious.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Please note that I mentioned that its conducted electronically. There is a very limited amount of paper...i.e a couple of pages.

    Since its not part of any performance appraisal system, there is no need for the organization to file anything. It's a matter of personal responsibility in dealing with the data to improve oneself.

    No filing, no bureaucracy, no crappy rating system mandated by anyone.

    It's a shame people wreck good things with bureaucracy and paper.
  • Three60 performance appraisals are great. I would suggest using an electronic form to avoid the paperwork and confusion that can arise. There is a great product out there called "Performance Now" that does everything for you. Their product can be found at: [url]http://www.knowledgepoint.com[/url].
    You will be happy with the product.
  • hmmmmm :-? do we have a salesperson in our midst?
  • I know you didn't ask for opinions, but I agree with the Tin Man on this one - 360 is good for feedback/coaching stuff but I don't like it for "official" performance reviews. Too many variables and "similar to me" and "halo effect" stuff involved.

  • I agree with Cinderella, aluminum man and others who have responded regarding the fact that this type of performance evaluation process is not easy to administer, it is somewhat subjective, and it can subject to politics. But then, I wonder if there actually is any PA system out there that is 100% fair, objective and content valid.

    I would still like to implement a 360, not to substitute but rather to augment our current PA system, and also to be able to use it as a training and development tool.

    I would appreciate it if any of the members of this forum could share with me any forms, policies or procedures relating to this topic. I will probably end up buying a software of some sort on 360 PA's. however, at this point, I would like to assess and compare any available resources and/or alternatives. Thank you.
  • My company uses 360's and for the most part it works out well. We implemented a new electronic system this year called Halogen 360 (company is based in Canada, if I remember correctly). It's awesome, saved us bunches of time from doing them the old fashioned way (by hand).
  • Today's Dilbert is on 360 degree performance reviews! [url]http://www.dilbert.com/[/url]
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Just looked it up, Balloonman. "The quality of your work just went down..." 360's definitely are better when "blind". x:D
  • I just read it too Balloonman & I completely agree with your take on 360's.
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