DUI and Company Vehicles

Most of our positions require employees to be able to either drive company vehicles or transport invididuals in their own vehicles. If someone has a DUI on their record, they can no longer drive a company vehicle due to our company auto insurance. Does anybody have a policy written on DUI's and Company Vehicles?
I was also thinking of having all employees/new hires sign a form stating that if they were to get a DUI they would need to notify us so that we could move them to a position where they would be able to drive their own vehicles, and if they were to drive a company vehicle they would be terminated. Anybody have a form like this?
I was also thinking of having all employees/new hires sign a form stating that if they were to get a DUI they would need to notify us so that we could move them to a position where they would be able to drive their own vehicles, and if they were to drive a company vehicle they would be terminated. Anybody have a form like this?
Our insurance also only covers those with clean driving records, and the insurance agent checks drivers license records of all new drivers and then on an annual basis. We do have a statement that employees should notify us if they are no longer eligible to drive a vehicle.
I am right at this moment updating our policy and it will include that MVR's will be checked annually, and anyone failing to report a DUI/DWI will be disciplined, up to and including termination.
The question we all need to wrestle with is, do we want to require specific limits for those who may drive their own vehicle for company business? Or are we all willing to accept state minimum, knowing our coverage hits next?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Thanks so much Linda!
"Because driving an automobile is essential to performing the job that is being offered, you must have a satisfactory driving record. A satisfactory driving record is one in which there are no major convictions within the last three years or driving-related alcohol/drug convictions within the last five years. The Company must be made aware of any driving violations, changes to driver information and driver status changes immediately." The definition of major driving convictions is determined by our auto ins carrier. It means DUI, DWI, vehicular manslaughter, etc. Records of all drivers are also checked annually.