Florida HR Contacts

Hi fellow HR Professionals. I'm the HR person and work in the Health Care Industry. I would like to introduce myself and see if I can get to know other HR professionals here in Florida to get to know and have as contacts for Floirda issues and just as a additional resource. If others can respond and let me know how we can respond to one another whether through email or something id appreciate it. Also, I am planning on attending the Atlanta, Ga symposium and would like to also make plans on meeting others from this area while attending. Let me know.

Thank you


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not from Florida, but I have in-laws there! :)
    I'm also planning to attend the Atlanta symposium, but if you want to meet Floridians only, well, then us Northerners will just have to yuk it up somewhere else.

  • I hope that I have not offended anyone who is not in Florida, that was not my intent. I do want very much so to meet everyone and anyone who is going to Ga for the symposium, but would also like to develop a network of Florida HR professionals too so we can help one another with issues that may come up for Florida employers. But all inquiries are welcome and anyone whom may want to let me know their email addresses are welcome too.

    Thank you all!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-09-04 AT 01:27PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I wont be attending the symposium but I do work in Florida; Central Florida to be exact.

    I work in Leesburg which isn't too terrible far from you at all. I am not in the Health Care industry (Custom Home Builder/Land Developer here) but would be more than willing to have another local HR professional with which to network with.

    My email is [email]nicole@pringle.com[/email] or I can be reached at 352-365-2303

  • I wont be attending the symposium but I do work in Florida; Central Florida to be exact.

    I work in Leesburg which isn't too terribly far from you at all. I am not in the Health Care industry (Custom Home Builder/Land Developer here) but would be more than willing to have another local HR professional with which to network with.

    My email is [email]nicole@pringle.com[/email] or I can be reached at 352-365-2303
  • I'm with the City of St. Cloud - a public entity, but in HR, we deal with similar issues as the health care industry.

    You can always contact this office should you have specific questions, you can e-mail me at [email]jbailey@stcloud.org[/email]

    St. Cloud Proud
  • Welcome, drorlando.

    I'm not from Fla, but I think you'll find a lot of good advice and comraderie in the forum from all over the country.
  • Thank you, I look forward talking to you and all the people here. I find the forum and great tool.
  • I'm in NE Florida and you can always contact me through the forum.
  • Hi everyone. I'm an HR Director in Orlando. I'm not active in any of the local organizations due to lack of time (barely time to see the family). :(

    I've wanted to network with others in this area and finally, your post, put me in motion. I've created a group on the yahoogroups site. It's similar to a forum but you can get the messages via e-mail and respond via e-mail. There are also some other great features like a calendar for upcoming events that send out automated reminders, a files section so we can share files, and more.

    If you're in FL and are interested in networking, give this a shot. Remember that it is BRAND NEW (just created today) so there are virtually no messages and no members. But that will change! Just go to [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/floridahr/[/url]
    to register. If you need assistance, e-mail me at [email]dbutton@jht.com[/email]

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