Needing to Vent



  • Lisa, I am so sorry for your loss, but I think about how proud your Dad must be knowing the great daughter he raised. You'll get through all this crap because your Dad showed you how to fight. You have strength inside you never dreamed existed.
  • Ditto the others Lisa. . you'll continue in my thoughts.
  • Lisa,

    I was thinking of you this week. Youve been on my prayer list since you mentioned your situation.

    Thank you for letting us know about your dad. I am so glad that you made the choice to be with him. Thanks for reminding all of us about what is really important.
  • My thoughts are with you. I don't know what it is to mourn the loss of someone that one holds so dear as a father so there is no more I can say than bless you and yours.
  • I am sorry to hear about your loss. I too would like to offer words of encouragement. I recomend "Who Moved My Cheese, An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life" by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth H. Blanchard.
    Good Luck and God Bless.
  • Aww that sucks.............but at least he is in a better place............. will keep a good thought for you.......... make sure you have a friend or two you can talk to.... If you need an ear to bend let me know, will send you my number.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
  • So sorry for your loss. He is in a better place, and passed in a way that we all can only hope for. Take care of yourself during the rough days ahead.
  • So sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Word of advice from someone who's been there...Take time with the rest of your family. Lean on them in your moments of weakness and know that it is not weakness but grief. Remember these two things....Time heals all things and God will not give you anything that the two of you can't handle together.
    Keep your chin up!!!!
  • I just finshed reading the replies, and I feel proud to say that I am a member of the forum. What support.
    I went thru a similar set of circumstances in that I left my employer after 35 years. It simply was no fun anymore, and I was sick of the 90 minute commute. The owners were very accomodating to me, and I was able to work a deal. Also, I left to spend time with my 90 year old Mother, who I knew was on the way out. Well, after 1 year (exactly), I landed a new position, which is a 10 minute walk from my home, as an HR Director. Started work on April 5, and My Mother passed away on April 12. God works in mysterious ways. "The blessed lord placed us on this good earth to help one another".
    LF - Regards to You, and may your Father and My Mother meet in the Land of the Li(Heaven).
  • Thank you, everyone.

    I'm so glad that I took the time to be with my Dad. I know that it meant the world to him to know that I was there with him around the clock as his time on this earth was growing short. I also know that he is still with me as my guardian angel.

    I can't express my appreciation enough for all your prayers and support. Thank you.

  • I've just came across this thread and have been touched by everyone's encouragement and brought to tears.

    God bless everyone who took the time to hold Lisa up in prayer these bast few are all amazing. Sure makes this big country seem very small and cozy.

    Lisa, I'm truly sorry for your loss and I hope your work situation has taken a turn for the better now that you are not so splintered. We're here for each other and that's what makes this forum truly amazing.

    Cheryl C.
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