I'm ready to give up

When I came into this position almost two years ago, I was given the task of bringing the safety committee "back to life" and ensuring that all the employees work in a safet environment. To that end we re-vamped our Safety Regulations and began strictly enforcing them. The Safety Committe took alot of flack for it but they stood strong!!!
Last month we did some layoffs which has kept me from spending as much time in our plant as I did previously. Now when I'm out there I see employees NOT wearing their hearing protection, NOT tying their hair back, NOT wearing side shields on their glasses, etc. I have tried talking to the supervisors regarding the importance of these regulations, and WHY they are in place but it seems to fall on deaf ears (especially with one supervisor). I have tried posting notices regarding the regulations and have told employees that disciplinary action will be a result of their continuing to not follow the rules but even that doesn't work because I would be disciplining the majority of the factory.
I feel like all the work myself and the safety committe has done over the past two years has been lost and I don't know how to get things back on track. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle and it's really getting tiring.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!
Last month we did some layoffs which has kept me from spending as much time in our plant as I did previously. Now when I'm out there I see employees NOT wearing their hearing protection, NOT tying their hair back, NOT wearing side shields on their glasses, etc. I have tried talking to the supervisors regarding the importance of these regulations, and WHY they are in place but it seems to fall on deaf ears (especially with one supervisor). I have tried posting notices regarding the regulations and have told employees that disciplinary action will be a result of their continuing to not follow the rules but even that doesn't work because I would be disciplining the majority of the factory.
I feel like all the work myself and the safety committe has done over the past two years has been lost and I don't know how to get things back on track. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle and it's really getting tiring.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!
Is the main boss supportive of enforcing the safety policies? If so, have him write up the supervisor, not you, explain again this could if not correct eliminate any hope of an increase at review time. The boss should also point out he better fix the problem he created in a timely fashion, without alienating his workers.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Here, we made the people ultimately responsible for safety (one at each plant) supervisors. That way, they can go over to any employee (including management) and order them to obey the safety rules. It's been helpful.
We had similar problem with supervisors not enforcing the safety rules/policies. So our Safety Director was authorized to write up the supervisor and verbally warn the offending ee for first offense.
If the Safety Director noticed the same ee not following the policies, the supervisor would be put on 1 day suspension and the offending ee would receive written with stipulation if caught again he would receive 1 day suspension w/o pay and/or termination.
This has been VERY helpful in making sure everyone knows we are serious about safety.
May seem alittle harsh but effective.
Needless to say since plan enacted in 2000 we have lowered our Mod Rate from 104 to 82.
For a manufacturing plant that is pretty good.
Thanks again for all your help.
Maybe you contact the supervisors and ask them why this is now a problem - maybe they would like more information about the layoffs and people are worried about their jobs. More information may be the solution and may not be information on safety.