Absenteeism Running Rampant

Our front desk receptionist has been out more than she has been in or at least it seems like it. She has used up every second of her accrued leave time (we have 15 sick days, 20 vacation days, 4 personal days). Her supervisor refuses to write her up because he says she has personal and medical problems. This is true as of this current absence (out 3 days as of today) but is not true of her past lack of attendance. He doesn't know why she is out, just says she has called in sick and will bring back a doctor's note when she returns on Monday. I say he should begin to write her up for poor attendance regardless of the current reason given her past sporadic attendance record. That unless she goes on FMLA (she has some FMLA time left) or has an ADA protected illness (remains to be seen) she should be written up. It isn't that I have no compassion for this ee. But we have an office to run and her absence creates havoc and distention each and every time she is out. Due to the fact that she is out so much the other staff has come to resent any time they need to spend at the front desk. Your thoughts please.
15 days of sick leave? You are very generous.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Typically, this runs for 3-6 months and helps the employee earn some leave time and build up the bank...also provides incentive to be at work...and it helps our supervisors be less subjective when dealing with leave situations.
The employee is advised in writing of the restrictions and requirements and signs a document indicating her understanding of the policy...
We've had good success with this....
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
>My $0.02 worth.
>DJ The Balloonman
Except that the Union will scream that management has given tacit approval for the EE's behavior by it's own inaction, AND that the policy is being selectively enforced. My advice is for you to start from square one with the Manager. Let that person know in the strongest terms to start enforcing the policies, then let the work force know that the policies will be enforced starting now. No matter how you slice it, you cannot solve this problem without getting the manager in line.