disgruntled employee

I am in the need of some advice. I have an employee who is very unhappy, has made that quite known by making comments to other employees that she hates it here. She is looking for another job and the reason I know is because of the way she has been acting we started phone monitoring her and we have heard the conversations. We also have the right to email monitor and because this person is under investigation at this time we looked into the emails and also have documentation of her stating that she does not like it here and can't wait to get another job. Her attendance is not terrible, her productivity is not terrible although she complains about taking 30 phone calls a day, which is nothing for our company. She also sighs everytime she is given work like we are putting her out. I really just want to let her go. I would really like some opinions on this please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
what is the rest of the workforce morale like?
I know we cannot listen to the personal calls, we just put this together from what we heard. But I also have emails that state she is looking for another job.
"has made that quite known by making comments to other employees that she hates it here."
"She also sighs everytime she is given work like we are putting her out."
Has anyone in management spoken to this employee? Has anyone tried to figure out why she hates it so much?
I don't want to work with people who "hate" working in my organization. Thats a morale killer.
In all seriousness, I think Paul is on the right track here. Just sit her down and tell her you realize she's not happy and that you encourage her to find a place where she can be. I like the idea of giving her two weeks to either find another job or do a 180 (which of course she won't) is a great idea. Let us know how it turns out.
Why wait? She won't change and if she does it is only because she hasn't found another job and is trying to stay until she does and then leave you in the lurch.
Cut the her loose NOW.
Once you do the morale in your office will improve greatly.
It sounds to me as though you've done your part to try and bring this ee around & she's not willing to turn the corner on attitude. You say you don't feel good about letting her go now because you allowed her to stay on in the past due to business necessity, but I say, hey, get over it. x:-) If during that time she had 'shined' we wouldn't be talking now. It sounds like her attitude stunk then, stinks now and now you don't need her. If your policies allow, I would quickly terminate.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman