Office Romance
19 Posts
We seem to have too many office romances going on. Our GM and I think maybe we need a policy prohibiting (limiting?)fraternization. I am wondering if any of you have this problem, and how have you solved it.
Good luck with baby sitting the love birds. These situations were rampant when I came. It took several years, but we ended up with only two marriages and the rest ended up broken up and terminated for all sorts of reasons. One baby has come form this activity. The other management marriage ended up with a joint termination. One left for a better opportunity and took the accounting manager with him. Just one of the reasons why you do not want love to blossom and grow.
PS I just heard on the news there may be a new market for one of your products: it said the Isralis were going to put bags of pork fat on buses to discourage suicide bombers. Really! Seems, according to the story, Muslims may believe they cannot be admitted to heaven (or Muslim equilavent) if they have been defiled by pig parts. I know several religions don't eat pork, but that was a new one to me.