We only have about 1/2 of our 1200 employees using direct deposit. We are changing our policy, to REQUIRE all new employees to opt for direct deposit. However the existing employees, we are told that we cannot force them to participate in direct deposit. Does anyone have any ideas of how to encourage employees to use direct deposit?
It included things like not having to come in if it's your day off to pick up your check, not having to wait in line at the bank, you can lose your check- you can't lose a DD. Things like that.
Just try to have the ee's see the benefit for having DD. Of course you won't win them all.
Also check your state regs if you plan to mandate DD for all ee's.
James Sokolowski
The majority signed up, those that did not, so far about 1/3rd or more have since signed up since the postman has not delivered their check in a timely fashion :-)
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman