non-frat policies
We are working on developing a policy that would require employees in either an "amorous" relationship (defined as 2 consenting partners have a sexual union or other romantic relationship) or family members, by blood or law, to disclose such a relationship within 30 days of the establishment of the relationship.
At that point we propose to arrange a transfer if needed to continue smooth business relationships.
I have some enforcement concerns...but I wanted to get your thoughts on this....
At that point we propose to arrange a transfer if needed to continue smooth business relationships.
I have some enforcement concerns...but I wanted to get your thoughts on this....
If you guys move forward with this, I'd love to participate in crafting the wording for the policy. The Boy of Steel would have some creative language for that policy.
I have raised just one of multiple issues here. I'm sure there are others who will have detailed insight. I must say, this issue requires some HR mumbo jumbo dialogue. I respectfully bow out.
Also, the policy states that the Hospital 'reserves the right to require the transfer of an associate from the supervision of another where it reasonably believes that there exists a personal relationship that could lead to inequitable treatment of that associate by the supervising associate. Associates required to transfer will be allowed a maximum of 6 months to complete the transfer.'
I'm just providing the paragraph above as example of the language we use as opposed to "amorous".
Hope it helps!
I should also point out that our policy is not restricted to co-workers or supervisor and subordinates but encompasses potentially inappropriate relationships with competitors, suppliers, vendors, etc. which might impair an employee's ability to exercise good judgment on behalf of the Company.
KIDDING, folks, kidding.
I agree whole-heartedly with the difficulty of enforcement...and if such a policy is written, I believe equal time needs to be spent detailing what investigative tactics should be used in "ferreting out" such activity.
We have a clause in the ethics policy that prevents favoritism, relationships with clients..and that sort of thing...THAT is a bit easier to enforce.
I just keep thinking about what the defense of this policy would look like.
Parabeagle, would you send me your policy?
Go with SMACE's advice.
33 is a lot of mumbo jumbo especially if there is no problem.
Plus, sex makes people happy. Let your employees be happy.
>Plus, sex makes people happy.
I tell that to my wife all the time. Maybe if I tell her SteelBoy said so, she'll finally agree.