Can I Share EE's Health Condition?

I'm the benefits manager and I have just learned that one our employees is HIV positive. I did not learn this from the employee and I don't think anyone in the workplace knows about this. My concern is for the health and safety of the other employees. May I share this information with my HR/Safety Manager? If we feel that additoinal precauations need to be taken, can we tell the employee's manager? We do blood-born pathogen training at our facility and in the past we have had other employees who had HIV; however, the employees revealed their condition to us and to their co-workers. Do we have to notify the employee of our knowledge? For the record, we must comply with HIPAA in April 2004. Thanks for your help.
By the way, if you have a person on your first responder team who suggests he/she has a right to have such information, take that person off your team.
Do not disclose it to anyone, it really is not needed. Universal precautions should always be used by 1st aid responders. Emphasize in the training to treat everyone like they have a infectious disease.
If you violate their privacy, pre hipaa compliance date or not you run the risk of a lawsuit.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Confidentiality is key. If there are hints of rumors going around that are making the individual who is the subject of them uncomfortable, you need to meet with those associates and lay down the law. Not sure if they are aware that not only could the company be sued but they be individually.