I can't believe it

I can’t believe it, this shouldn’t happen anywhere but it did. Last week on Tuesday I gave every ee a safety incentive of $100 for working one year without an OSHA accident. The next day I gave every ee $350 for meeting our gainsharing goals. On Friday we gave every ee a gift box with some expensive meat as a holiday gift. There were a few ee’s not present on Friday and we saved their gift boxes in our large cooler located in the lunchroom. On each box we clearly marked whom they were for. Two of these boxes disappeared last night. I am so disappointed that I am almost speechless. We are the premier employer in our community and pay above average wages to the workers. We do more for our workforce than any other workplace in our area that I am aware of. We are a non-union facility and we would like to think it is in part due to the way we treat everyone, with dignity, respect and in a fair manner.
I know there is not a way to determine where the gift boxes went or who ‘walked off’ with them but I just had to vent my total disgust for this situation. Another manager and I are bringing our gift boxes back this afternoon to give to the two who were the victims of this crime. Is there any hope for mankind? Thanks for the shoulder to vent on.
I know there is not a way to determine where the gift boxes went or who ‘walked off’ with them but I just had to vent my total disgust for this situation. Another manager and I are bringing our gift boxes back this afternoon to give to the two who were the victims of this crime. Is there any hope for mankind? Thanks for the shoulder to vent on.
I once worked at a company where lunches were stolen out of the refridgerators on a daily basis. We attributed it to extremely low morale...
Then one day one of our supervisors (who was 7 months pregnant) had her lunch stolen. She wrote on a VERY visible white board in a hallway:
"To whomever took the (desciption of lunch): I hope you know you are stealing food from a FETUS"
Amazingly, the incidences decreased dramatically after that.
Wouldn't you know, they ate every last piece and left the empty box there, with her note on it. I bought her a fresh pizza that night.
Safety, it's very nice of you and the other manager to "donate" your gift boxes back to those who didn't get theirs. Remember that MOST people wouldn't steal the boxes - only a few sink that low. xx(
Safety, you took the high road. Great sacrifice and an excellent way to turn someone's rotten behavior into a personal win.
I am proud of you. Nicely done.
xclap to you
There is hope for mankind because the type of people who would do this are still in the minority and there are still people like you who will try to right the wrongs!
I would LOVE to know what possesses someone to STEAL lunch! Are they that hungry that they have to take someone else's food.
Now, I will admit that we have mixed up the yogurt before and someone got blueberry when they brought strawberry, but as adults they were able to just laugh at it and learn to put their name on thier yogurt.
BUt to steal holiday presents. What grinches!!
I hope that they get what they deserve! A lump of coal!
I echo the rest, Safety - good job on your part. We can't stop doing the right thing even though some try to ruin it.
>anywhere but it did. Last week on Tuesday I
>gave every ee a safety incentive of $100 for
>working one year without an OSHA accident. The
>next day I gave every ee $350 for meeting our
>gainsharing goals. On Friday we gave every ee a
>gift box with some expensive meat as a holiday
>gift. There were a few ee’s not present on
>Friday and we saved their gift boxes in our
>large cooler located in the lunchroom. On each
>box we clearly marked whom they were for. Two
>of these boxes disappeared last night. I am so
>disappointed that I am almost speechless. We
>are the premier employer in our community and
>pay above average wages to the workers. We do
>more for our workforce than any other workplace
>in our area that I am aware of. We are a
>non-union facility and we would like to think it
>is in part due to the way we treat everyone,
>with dignity, respect and in a fair manner.
>I know there is not a way to determine where the
>gift boxes went or who ‘walked off’ with them
>but I just had to vent my total disgust for this
>situation. Another manager and I are bringing
>our gift boxes back this afternoon to give to
>the two who were the victims of this crime. Is
>there any hope for mankind? Thanks for the
>shoulder to vent on.
Employees bit**ing because their holiday gift (ie, Christmas bonus) was a little less than last year - still significant but less. $$$.
Part time employees bit**ing because their gifts were half that of full-time employees #-o.
At our holiday party we culminated a year-long customer service award program by pulling from coupons employees had accumulated for "service above and beyond" for huge prizes (two trips, a big screen tv, home theater system, dvd player...). The employee who won the home theater system bit**ed it was too big, she didn't need it, and why didn't we just get gift certificates so she could buy something useful. When another employee offered her money for it, she declined and said she was going to put it on Ebay and see what it was worth. xx(.
Some of our employees don't make a lot of money. So for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we had an employee sponsorship program. Employees would submit names of individuals or charities that need help around the holidays, we bought the food, put it in baskets, and the employees picked it up for delivery. I found out that for four or five of our employees, their favorite charity was - ta da - themselves! Yup, that's right, signed up for a charity, picked up their baskets and TOOK THEM HOME. x:o
I'm glad the holiday season is almost done. (:|
p.s. While my blood pressure is high though, I think about ways to plot my revenge x}> ...waahaahaa!!!
As part of the free dinner days, we also sponsor a "mitten tree" for a local charity--overwhelming response to that, with lots of mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, and even jackets brought in the week before Chtistmas. Those were packed up and delivered to the charity. Unfortunately, someone absconded with about half of the donations employees brought in on Christmas Day sometime between when the Cafeteria closed that evening and when it reopened the next morning. Of course, there were no witnesses . . .