Cough Complaints

I need some advice! We have an employee who has been sick (probably with bronchitis). She missed a couple of days, but has now returned to work with a very loud, consistent, and "unappealing", cough. She is also a smoker, which doesn't help!

A couple of employees in her department have complained about the noise.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's one of those not many people feel comfortable to address...

    Just have her manager have a nice, friendly conversation with her and explain that microbes travel by air, among other things. That the manager is very appreciative of her efforts to do the job but she may want to consider something to reduce the bug "sharing", like a mask, at least to show consideration for others.

    I would not touch the fact she smokes at all. Advising to see a physician, I think, would be appropriate too.

    Luckily its Friday and she may be better on Monday.
  • My suggestion is: don't take the time to address this issue. It's a playground issue pure a simple. She'll get over her cough & her co-workers will just have to put up with it until she does. Move on the the more important stuff.
  • Is she still sick? If she is,then send her home.Check to see if she has run out of sick time,and whether she took fmla while out for the bronc condition before you do so.Mike
  • Subject to being completely wrong, I think what you have is a smoker with a smoker's hack and these other workers aren't particularly fond of her to begin with. When people we're tired of or don't particularly like to begin with, start or continue to irritate and annoy us, it can over time become a huge issue, although in reality, a molehill. The co-workers need to learn to chant in their inner voice. We simply cannot control the many annoyances in the workplace. What about the guy who limps past the office humming over and over all day? What about the woman who slams the bathroom door 40 times a day? How about that fat gal who wears those clattering heels and struts up and down on the tile floor all day long? And that little nerd guy who just will not push his glasses up on his nose and incessantly tells people to have a good day? x:-)
  • Granted, the sound of a phlegmy cough is not the best thing to hear. But honestly, are they serious? If they gave a d*mn, they'd offer her a cough drop rather than complain about the noise. Leave it alone, she's obviously in enough discomfort and the cough won't last forever.
  • I agree with the majority of posters, it doesn't deserve the time of HR.

    I personally do not smoke and have had a hacking cough for nearly a month. I have been to see a doctor and have been assured that I am not truly sick, nor am I contagious. I had a virus that took me out of work for two days and the cough is a residual effect. It will go away, eventually.

    Your employees are being petty. Since I have been extremely crabby for the past month or so, I would probably suggest to them that if they have the time to complain they probably need more work!


  • Do nothing. This is a ticky-tacky complaint. I agree with other posts that stated that this probably a person who is not a "favorite" or well liked.

    Due to allergies, I have had a cough off and on recently and there is not much that can be done. Stay away from the smoking, this could lead you to areas you don't want to go.
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