What would you do - part deux

Well, boys and girls, more on the continuing saga of the flaky general manager, the flaky guest and the vituperative employee.
General manager would not entertain the prospect of staying on and stalked off the premises Wednesday (which reminds me: need to do his COBRA continuation letter). Employee remains suspended as of this writing, to everyone's general agreement.
Three employees of the same co. the obnoxious guest works for (all the ee's of that company stay with us when they're in the area) have contacted me to tell me their coworker was in the wrong, he's a jerk, he had it coming, it was less than he deserved, etc. when our employee yelled at him. I thanked them for their input and their continued business and felt better about not rescinding the suspension and not terminating the employee.
Obnoxious guest calls. He was 100% in the right and did not deserve to be treated that way and spoken to in that manner by our employee and he wants her fired. Heroically resisting the temptation to tell him he's a blathering idiot, I thank him for his input and tell him that we have dealt appropriately with the employee's transgression.
"You mean you fired her?"
"What did you do?"
"We dealt with the matter in accordance with our policies."
"But she's not fired?"
"Well, I don't think I will keep my business in your hotel. I'll stay elsewhere."
"That's certainly your choice, sir."
Meantime, that employee's supervisor and the DHR of his company are going to be receiving a letter from me asking that he cease his verbally abusive behavior or not stay at our establishment any more.
And, to top it off, our long-term assistant general manager at that property has consented to take over as the new general manager, a fact that pleases everyone in the company.
I love happy endings. x:-)
General manager would not entertain the prospect of staying on and stalked off the premises Wednesday (which reminds me: need to do his COBRA continuation letter). Employee remains suspended as of this writing, to everyone's general agreement.
Three employees of the same co. the obnoxious guest works for (all the ee's of that company stay with us when they're in the area) have contacted me to tell me their coworker was in the wrong, he's a jerk, he had it coming, it was less than he deserved, etc. when our employee yelled at him. I thanked them for their input and their continued business and felt better about not rescinding the suspension and not terminating the employee.
Obnoxious guest calls. He was 100% in the right and did not deserve to be treated that way and spoken to in that manner by our employee and he wants her fired. Heroically resisting the temptation to tell him he's a blathering idiot, I thank him for his input and tell him that we have dealt appropriately with the employee's transgression.
"You mean you fired her?"
"What did you do?"
"We dealt with the matter in accordance with our policies."
"But she's not fired?"
"Well, I don't think I will keep my business in your hotel. I'll stay elsewhere."
"That's certainly your choice, sir."
Meantime, that employee's supervisor and the DHR of his company are going to be receiving a letter from me asking that he cease his verbally abusive behavior or not stay at our establishment any more.
And, to top it off, our long-term assistant general manager at that property has consented to take over as the new general manager, a fact that pleases everyone in the company.
I love happy endings. x:-)
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
(this is applause, applause, applause if my emotion icons worked)
Nice of the co-workers of the obnoxious guest to come forward in your ee defense, too.
EDIT: It's miracle. . Over 3 years I've been trying to get these dang things to work!! I am sooooooo excited. Look out now!! x:7 X:-)
I know that sometimes I get emotionally involved with the problems presented, and then enjoy the responses so much, but then never get to hear how the problem ends. So thanks. For an ending.
I am still wanting to see how that thread on the ee possibly planting "porn" in her own desk worked out - remember that one? er was going to put in surveillance camera to try to catch someone in the act? Wonder who got caught.....
Just curious, although I have to admit, like how everything else turned out. It tells you something when his co-workers call to support your employee.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Also wondering what the suspended employee's state of mind will be when she returns from her suspension Monday. Hopefully the change of management (she works very well with the incoming GM) and our dealing with the obnoxious guest will make her happy.
I along with all other posts agree with how you handled the situation and your restraint when dealing with the guest.:DD
Good Job!!
Is it Miller time yet? Oh, wait. No Miller. Is it Microbrew time yet? x;-)
Hey in reality a very tricky situation, and handled well. You cannot let her blow up at someone without any recourse.
She will be cool when she learns why the GM is no longer there...........and she will. Basically she will see it as she was given the vote of confidence over him.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Slow week on the forum, this was one of the better threads. To everyone, enjoy the weekend ahead and the upcoming holidays with your families...........................
Wow...I am really impressed. All of the newbys including myself can learn a lot from you. I totally agree with your sending a letter to the guests company...showing you went the extra mile to stop the harassing behavior. Hope you celebrated this weekend..
Everyone Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your family x:)
I still have a guess that the GM resigned when you refused to fire the employee because somewhere down the road you will find he knew of the customer's behavior and did nothing to stop it or assist the employee which could/would have prevented this situation from ever occurring.