Bathroom Bandit

Prior to 3 weeks ago our company was located in a business park settled amongst quite a few other businesses. We now own our own building and have merged all of our locations into one. Here’s the conundrum: apparently “we have a very unsanitary female employee who keeps messing up the woman’s restroom”. Now I am known as the notorious Lysol HR lady so usually everything is unsanitary to me. However, I had our “most tolerant” employee from accounting sit across from me today exploding in rage because she has found poop for the third time all over the first stall in the bathroom. As I recover from my sudden need to put on full body armor and Lysol it and the perpetrator I assure her I will send out an email and address the issue. Much to my dismay I find out our receptionist has been cleaning up after our poop bandit for two weeks now but has been unsure of how to approach the problem. So I ask my fellow HR associates of the world how on earth do you articulate an email that will not offend anyone yet get the message across we are adults, Clean up after yourself, and be respectful to others?
Do you have any employees with disabilities? If so could it be possible that an employee has difficulty with the wiping process?
Just something to think about.
Good luck!
However, if you wait until tomorrow Pork and Don D will have some colorful insight on this subject x;-)
I guess it would have been different had I directly worked with her but I am sure I would have called her on it. I hope you catch her- or whatever it is....
In our case, as soon as the issue reaches a high profile (I have to know about it or the president) it usually subsides until the next time - it's an ongoing battle, so pick your strategy & stick to it each time it comes up.
gwod wuck! (I was holding my nose x;-))
Ray has made a good suggestion, the only other step that makes any sense was posted on one of the other threads about this topic: Lock the doors and have EEs sign out a key. The first person coming back with a complaint points the finger at the previous user.
If you could just find out who it is, and put them on bathroom clean-up detail for a few months....or maybe send them to Pork to be a herder for a while, if he would take them. The Hogs may have higher standards than your bathroom bandit could meet.
(quote from Ray: "Then I appealed to everyone's sense of honor..." Now that's gotta be the hoot of the day. An 'honorable' crapper artist.)
I would also caution your receptionist to not clean someone else's feces ...unless she has the proper protective gear and is using the proper cleaning solution, she could be putting herself at risk.
I had a roommate in college who never threw away her rotten food and it stunk up the fridge. I got so sick of it I put it on her bed. She got the hint. Too bad their soiled stuff could not be placed on their desk... x}>
Females tend to not sit directly on public bathroom seats. Putting those paper covers in each bathroom is a good idea, along with the Lysol spray and making sure towels and soap are always available.
Always thought the workplace bathrooms were relatively safe, however, after reading your post, I may never sit on another seat again.
I do not envy your position. Perhaps you could consult the local Kindergarden class and have them offer tips and hints on bathroom etiquette.
Felix Unger
I believe there are enough posts here to implicate that the doors on both sides of the hallway can be equally disgusting.
A lifetime ago I had the one time duty of cleaning both the mens and womens bathrooms for a local grocery store. Although neither side had a good housekeeping seal of approval what I found in the mens side smeared all over....well enough of the visual.
Hope the problem child grows up!
I believe Jsprague should win the award for the grossest post of the 4th quarter. Welcome to the forum. Please everyone, do not try to win this award.